10 month training

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After All might saved Izuku and Bakugou from the sludge villain people started to swarm him. (Bakugou hasn't seen Izuku's keyblade yet). when All might blew the sludge villain away Izuku dropped his keyblade and it disappeared.

Izuku was getting scolded by the other heroes because of his reckless actions but he wasn't paying much attention because he was wondering about what he just did. afterwards he goes home

(Mirio already has one for all)

Izuku: "What did I do back there? Where did that giant key come from and why did I use it like a sword?"

Izuku; "Now that I think about it that hey kind of looked like the one that guy hay about 10 years ago and didn't he call it a Keyblade?" He suddenly becomes excited. " that guy really did give me his quirk! now I can become a hero! I have to tell my mom about this but....where did that key go? It came out of thin air the last time and I felt a warm feeling in my chest when it appeared. let me see if I can make it appear again." 'I hope" He thought.

Izuku closed his eyes and tried to focus. As he did the warm feeling in his chest came back and his body began to move. he saw a glimmer of light in his mind and tried to reach out and grab it. As he started to clench his right hand he felt something big in it. when he opened his eyes he was holding the keyblade in  his hand.

Izuku: "I did it! I should practice more so that I can summon this thing instantly with my eyes open

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Izuku: "I did it! I should practice more so that I can summon this thing instantly with my eyes open."

later at his apartment

Izuku: "Hey mom I'm home and I have something to show you." he yelled

Inko:  "Hi baby, what do you want to show me?"

Izuku: "This!" summons his keyblade in front of his mom. "I have a quirk now!"

Inko: starts crying. "Oh my Izuku I am so happy for you! We are going to the quirk doctor first thing tomorrow!"

the next day at the quirk doctor

doctor: "I don't know how it happened but your son does indeed have a quirk. it is an emitter type quirk that allows him to conjure a key shaped sword when ever he wants."

Inko: "Really!?"

Doctor: " so far their are no down sides but somethings still confuse us.

Izuku and Inko: "like what?"

Doctor: "We don't know why it is shaped like a key in the first place or if the key aspect lets him do anything. We also don't know what the blade is made of. As far as we know that sword is almost unbreakable. The biggest mystery is where the sword goes when it vanishes."

Inko: "what do you know about it then?"

Doctor: "The only thing we do know is that he it the only one that can use that sword. when ever anyone else holds it the sword shudders and teleports back to Izuku so you don't have to worry about anyone stealing it." 

Izuku: 'That's puts my mind at ease a little bit' he thought.

Doctor: all that is left is to name the quirk.

Izuku: "If you don't mind I would like to call my quirk Keyblade." 'that is what it is I think'

doctor: "Ok, Keyblade will be its name. you 2 have a nice day now.

The following weekend he started to training for the UA entrance exam. Izuku wanted to focus on physical training as well as his biggest problem. His problem being that he doesn't know how to use a sword properly. He didn't want to join the kendo club at school so he we signed up to take kendo classes at a dojo no one from his school went to. For his physical training he went to go clean up Dagobah beach which the locals have turned into a landfill. it was also the perfect place to practice with his quirk because barely anyone went near there. he wanted to come up with his own style of swordfighting, one that one exclusive to him.

( his fighting style will be the same as Sora) 

3 months into training  he finds a locked box in the piles of junk. 

Izuku: "what is this doing here? I wonder is there is anything in it?"

He tries to open the box with no success. he decides to use his keyblade to smash it open

Izuku: "open you dumb thing!!" he shouted as he hit the top of the giant box. 

The keyhole on the box started to glow for a few seconds before unlocking and opening the box. inside were dusty antiques along with a diamond necklace and a note. 

Izuku: "Woah what was that?! The box opened after I hit it. And what does this say?

note: To whomever opens this box you may keep its contents and do what you may with them. you can keep my wifes diamond necklace along with her favorite ring. Congratulations

Izuku: "score are these diamonds real! I'll give the necklace to my mom and ask her what we should do with the rest of these things later." he said. "but why did it suddenly open like that? I wonder if I can re-lock it."

he closes the large box and points his keyblade at it. The tip of the keyblade starts to glow as a beam of light shoots the box locking it. once more. 

Izuku: "So that's why it is shaped like a key. I can open anything that is locked. This could come in handy." 

he shows the box to his mom and gives her the necklace. she lets her son keep the ring and they sell the box and everything in it. they find out that the antiques and box were very valuable and get a lot of money. Inko later decides to use the money to buy a house for them.

later that night while Izuku was sleeping 

???: young man 

Izuku: "H-Huh?"

???: I am Yen Sid a wizard speaking into your mind. with your keyblade you you will be able to use magic. the name of the spells will just come to you naturally with time. The more experience you gain the stronger the spells will be. 

Izuku: "O-Okay?" 

Yen Sid: "There are more secrets the keyblade holds that you haven't discovered yet. Stay on your toes young one. now it is time for you to wake up"

izuku: "GAH!" he yells as he wakes up. he sees it is 6:00 am. "I wonder if what Yen Sid said was true" he said as 2 words popped into his mind. 'Fire and blizzard'. are those the spells? I should try them out

he summons his keyblade points and it out the window and shouts "Fire". a small fireball shoots from the tip and  it shoots out the window.

Izuku:" I guess I have to add target practice to my training regimen.

End of chapter. I don't own that picture

Keyblade master IzukuWhere stories live. Discover now