Havoc in Hosu

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Izuku PoV

after a few days of training I am getting used to flow motion while I am fighting. Gran Torino decided that is was time to go and fight real villains. he lets me decide where we go. I think about is an I remember about what happened to Iida's brother and the agency he chose. 'Iida you didn't!' I think. "Hosu City!" I tell him. "Hosu? Why there?" he asks. "Call it a gut feeling."

on the train

'I hope Iida is ok. I should have known that he was going after the hero killer when I saw what agency he went to! please don't do anything dumb!' I think. Out of nowhere a Nomu crashes into the side of the train. Gran Torino tells me to stay  on it but I decide to get off and help them. after seeing the hero Iida was interning with looking for him. I run away from the commotion and search the back alleys of Hosu city. I get lucky as I see Iida about to get killed by stain. I rush in conjure my Keyblage and knock him away. 'It is a good thing that my keyblade only gives the feeling of being cut but doesn't actually cut them.' I think. "Get out of here midoriya. this has nothing to do with you! The Hero Killer is mine!" Iida says on the ground. "Meddling when you don't have to is part of being a hero. You won't take anymore lives STAIN!"

end of chapter.

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