𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕨𝕚𝕤𝕙 𝕀 𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕡𝕥 𝟚

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Since yall wanted pt 2 I deliver

It's been 2 weeks since what you heard and honestly you were pretty fucking bored not talking to Vinnie. Little did you know he was feeling the exact same as you were. You finally decided that you were gonna go talk to him and hangout with him. Yes you were giving in first but that was your best friend and you missed him. To be honest you should slap the fuck outta him for talking shit about you behind your back but you were more sad then mad anyways.

Well here you were knocking on his bedroom door at 2am. "Hey y/n" he seemed relived that you were here. You walked in and sat in his gaming chair and he sat on his bed. "SO what you been up to?" He asked "Nothing much really just some stuff I've been doing for work ya know." "Yea I get that for sure, so um what's going on between us we've been distant and you can't deny that y/n." Fuck. He knows somethings up. Do I tell him? Do I lie? Ok ok tell him see what he says. "Yea something is up a few weeks ago I was coming to see if we were still on for plans, and I overheard your conversation about me and how I'm so clingy-" "Y/n it's not like that-" "Let me finish Vincent, well after I heard that I was gonna distance myself to become ya know less clingy and on top of me hearing that it actually hurt my feelings because all I'm trying to do is be there for you. You may now speak." "Y/N  you did hear right but I didn't mean it I was mad at the game and you got brought up and I snapped don't get me wrong you are clingy but the good clingy don't worry sweetheart." When he said that last word your heart rate sped up and your cheeks were a burning pink. He definitely could notice it for sure. "Well if I'm a good clingy that's all that matters because I'm not gonna stop." You started to laugh and so did he. "What if I told you I liked you all over me and being clingy?" He said getting closer. "W-what do you mean?" Yup you were nervous. He was standing inches away from you by now. "I like you being all over me it's hot." Yup you were a red mess. "Well what if I like doing it on purpose?" He smiled "Well keep doing it then y/n because I love it."  "Will do Vincent will do." You both laughed. Sitting here thinking about everything that happened these 2 weeks you realized you never wanted to lose Vinnie, ever he was a great guy and very supportive. You still just wish you could say how you feel about him but it'll come up one day and you're willing to wait if that means vinnies back in your life.

Yall I'm updating look at me go !

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