Chapter 2

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It's been a year now since Anakin/Vader saved Mikasa, ever since the day she saw her parents die and Anakin saved her from the kidnappers. She grew a childish crush on him. Following him everywhere he went. Well most places, not all. Mikasa never left Anakin's side, she was there whenever he needed her and she would always be there for him. She has also met Eren but she kinda doesn't like him too much. Right now Anakin and Mikasa were picking up wood to give to their mother. While the two were searching for sticks Eren was fast asleep under a tree.

Anakin: Is he really asleep?

He says in disbelief.

Mikasa: Hey Anakin.

Anakin stops what he is doing as he looks at Mikasa.

Anakin: Yes Mikasa.

Mikasa: That day you saved me, do you remember it?

Anakin: Yeah I remember it, why?

Mikasa: What was that black Armor you were wearing? And how were you able to do the thing you did that day?

Anakin looked at her thing to himself.

Anakin: Mikasa.

He stopped before looking down.

Anakin: That.... That's a story for when you get older.

Mikasa: Why though?

Anakin: This story doesn't end in a good ending. Plus I'm not ready to share it yet.

Mikasa: Okay. Does your mother or father know about it?

Anakin: No. I tell all of you when the time is right. Also please don't tell anyone yet about what I can do.

Mikasa: I will.

Anakin: Thank you Mikasa. Now let's finish up here and go home.

Mikasa: Okay.

Eren jolts up with tears in his eyes.

Anakin: Hey Eren, you okay?

Eren: Y-Yeah, why you ask?

Anakin: Well you were asleep a couple of seconds ago, and now you are crying.

Eren: Huh?

Eren says, getting the tears out of his eyes.

Eren: Don't tell anyone about this!

Anakin: Whatever, just go get your pile over there. I helped out since I don't want mom scolding you again.

Eren: Oh thanks Anakin.

Eren says walking over to his pile before putting them on his wooden backpack. Eren put it on his back and the three started walking back home. Mikasa was walking very close to Anakin, she was also holding his hand but Anakin didn't mind he only smiled at her.

???: Hey look at who's here!

The person who said that was known as Hannes, one of the garrison guards of Wall Maria.

Anakin: Hello Hannes.


Hannes: Yep!

Eren: Anakin, do you smell him! He smells like shit!

Anakin: I don't smell anything.

Eren: How?

Anakin then starts having flashbacks of all the times he and his padawan Ahsoka made his old master Obi-Wan have to go and get a drink because of them.

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