Good Soldier OVA

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As Anakin and the others went to go to his old childhood home, Rex and everyone else that didn't go got the horse ready for there return. As Rex looked on at the city in front of him that he and so many soldiers fought for, memories of how he got here came to mine.

Rex (thoughts): It been 15 years now since I been here. How I got here I still don't understand that much.

The scene change to the Battle of Endor as Rex and a few others fought against the Empire.

Rex: Come on soldier! Just one last push and we win.

Blaster fire was being shot from all type of distance as Rex and a group of soldiers took cover. After the shooting stopped, Rex and his men jumped out of cover as they ran out shooting any stormtrooper they saw. Rex and his men were able to push back the empire forces as they started to retreat back, but there retreat would not work as Ewoks came in from behind stoping them. After being trapped the remaining empire forces surrendered as just then not long late they looked up as they all saw the second Death Star blow up. All the empire forces looked on in shock as the rebels celebrated their victory.

Time Skip

It was now night time as everyone was celebrating for finally defeating the emperor and his empire. As everyone was celebrating a lone man dress in black walk through the woods with a torch. The one holding the torch was Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master and the one who saved the galaxy. Luke sets a torch to the logs stacked under a funeral pyre where his father's body lies, again dressed in black mask and helmet. He stands, watching sadly, as the flames leap higher to consume Darth Vader -- Anakin Skywalker.
In the sky above, fireworks explode and Rebel fighters zoom above the forest. Standing not that far from Luke was Rex as he walks up towards Luke.

Rex: Why you do it?

Luke: Huh?

Luke turns around as he sees a old Captain Rex.

Rex: Why you save him?

Luke then give Rex a sad smile.

Luke: Because there was still good in him. I brought back my father. I brought back Anakin Skywalker.

Rex would have a shock look on his face after finding out that his old Jedi general was the man who hunted him and everyone else down, Darth Vader. Luke would leave as he goes to celebrate with the others. Rex who was still shocked would shake out of it was he would look at the body of his old general before giving Anakin Skywalker one last salute. Rex would then turning around and leave to go celebrate with the others. A huge bonfire is the centerpiece of a wild celebration. Rebels and Ewoks rejoice in the warm glow of firelight, drums beating, singing, dancing, and laughing in the communal language of victory and liberation. Lando runs in and is enthusiastically hugged by Han and Chewie. Then, finally, Luke arrives and the friends rush to greet and embrace him. They stand close, this hardy group, taking comfort in each other's touch, together to the end. As Rex was making his way towards everyone, something felt wrong, he know it. Rex took one more step as he fell through the ground, through the world. Rex would fall through as he black out after landing on the other end.

Time Skip

Rex slowly started to get up as he rubbed the back of his head. Once up Rex would look around as he saw that everything around him looked old.

Rex: Where am I?

Rex walked out of the lone alleyway he was in as he made his way to the streets. Once there he saw people walking, shopping, taking and doing all types of things. Rex look around here as the through came to him that this place may not have an space ports by how old everyone technically is. But when he was looking around one thing was standing out, that damn wall. Rex looked up as he as a 50 meter wall surrounded the entire city he was in.

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