Chapter 15

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In the forest of giant trees. Levi and Mikasa follow the Female Titan at a distance.

Levi: Maintain this distance! It may be tired. It does not appear to be going very fast. He seems to have been bitten right out of the neck. Is Eren dead?

Mikasa: Ngh... He's alive. The target appears intelligent, and its goal seems to be capturing Eren. If it wanted him dead, it would've crushed him. The target is fighting to escape after going through the trouble of putting him in its mouth.

Levi: Its goal may have been to eat Eren. If that's the case, he's in its stomach. It's more than reasonable to assume that he's dead.

Mikasa: He's alive!

Levi: I hope you're right.

Mikasa: Ngh... If you'd only protected Eren, this wouldn't have happened!

Levi: Ah...

Levi turns to Mikasa.

Levi: I see... You're the one from back then. Eren's close friend?

Mikasa: Ah...

Levi: We'll limit ourselves to a single goal. First, give up on killing the Female Titan.

Mikasa: It killed many of our comrades!

Levi: As long as it can harden its skin, we can't kill it, and with Anakin knocked out it going to be a lot harder. Do as I say. We'll pin our hopes on Eren still being alive and rescue him before it leaves the forest. I will tear away at it. You draw its attention!

Mikasa: Ngh...

Mikasa flies forward in front of the Female Titan. Levi draws closer behind it. The Female Titan turns suddenly and punches toward Levi. Levi dodges and cuts along the Female Titan's arm.

Levi: Ugh! Ngh... Urgh!

Levi slashes into the Female Titan's face and leaves his blades inside, blinding it.

Levi: Ngh...

Levi launches off from the Female Titan, refits his blades, and cuts along the Female Titan's legs.

Levi: Ngh! Ugh... Urahh! Ngh!

Levi cuts the back of the Female Titan's neck. The Female Titan falls to the ground.

Mikasa (Thoughts): He's fast! So fast that it has no time to harden its skin!

Levi continues cutting into the Female Titan. He cuts its arms, and the arm covering its neck falls to the side.

Levi: Ngh... Urahh!

Mikasa: Ah...

Mikasa (Thoughts): We can go for the neck! It's tired... I bet it can't move! I can kill it!

Mikasa shoots her hook into the Female Titan's shoulder.

Levi: Ah... Stop!

Mikasa: Urahhh!!

Mikasa launches forward to attack the Female Titan, but the Female Titan raises its hand.

Mikasa: Ah!

Levi pushes Mikasa out of the way.

Levi: Ngh...

Levi lands on the Female Titan's hand and hurts his ankle.

Levi: Ugh... Ngh! Urahh!

Levi cuts through the Female Titan's cheek. Its jaw falls open, revealing Eren, unconscious and covered in saliva.

Mikasa: Eren!

Levi: Ngh!

Levi grabs Eren from the Female Titans mouth and withdraws. The Female Titan's arm falls to its side.

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