Chapter 38

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Eren was filled with rage as he killed every military officer and leader that was in front of him. All the civilians were running for their lives as the soldiers on top took aim and fired at Eren with their rifles. Eren seeing this as he would use the force to pick up civilians to block the shots from hitting him, getting the civilians killed and not him. Eren then started to use the force to destroy the stage and throw it everyone in the area. In the crowed Porco, Colt, Gabi, Udo and Zofia start to run out of the area, but while doing so a chunk of rock would hit Zofia in the back of the head killing her. Udo would see this as he ran back to get her.

Udo: Zofia, no! Zofia!

Colt: Udo you can't!

Udo would get down to Zofia body.

Udo: Come and help me! We have to get her—

He didn't finish as the crowed of scared citizens started to run over him, trampling him and killing him. Colt, Gabi, and Porco hide behind a chunk of the stage that was thrown as they watch the crowd go by. Willy Tybur maid, Lara Tybur who was cut in half and on stage would look up as she saw all the carnage going on. She would then see Willy Tybur off stage very injured as his face was now gray and had no hair.

Lara: Don't worry brother, I will save you.

Lara Tybur would then start to transform into the War Hammer Titan as Eren seeing this would put his lightsaber away and transform himself into his Attack Titan. Eren would use the force to transform much quicker as he made his way to Lara who was still transforming and punch her in the face. Eren in his Titan form would harden his hands into brass knuckles as he begins to punch the War Hammer Titan in the face over and over again.

Koslow: Commander Magath! All citizens have been cleared of the area. And the War Hammer Titan is getting pulverized!

Soldier: Commande! The Warrior Unit's gone silent!

Soldier 2: General Calvi and the rest of the brass are dead, sir!

Soldier 3: We have to fall back before we're killed!

Soldier: We need orders!

Koslow: Commander!

Magath would then shot at the Attack Titan as it did nothing.

Koslow: Commander?

Magath: It was a harmless plink, but the first shot has now been fired. Our counterattack's begun. I never thought they'd make such a grand entrance. What's more, that looks to be the usurper of the Founding Titan down there. The Attack Titan, which makes Eren Yeager the holder of both Attack and Founder. What worse, Eren seems to be able to move stuff with his mind like his brother and that red skin dude. And from the lightning bolt that hit behind the stage before that, makes it that Anakin is also here as will. We're up against Eren and Anakin Yeager themself. That just means they both saved us a trip to the island. Get in position, men! Prepare for battle!

Marleyan soldiers: Understood, sir!

With Vader, he has made his way to a building as he started to make his way up to the roof top. While Vader was doing that Eren kept on hitting the War Hammer Titan, as he was about to go for another punch the War Hammer shot a armored spike into Eren's Titan chest, sending him up into the air. Eren in his Titan would watch as the War Hammer finally got up from the ground.

Magath: Now, I don't want any of you forgetting. The first attack that pierced the enemy came from my gun.

In the city Colt ran with Udo in his arm as Porco ran with Zofia in his arm with Gabi run behind them.

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