Chapter 29

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Anakin: One shall stand, one shall fall.

The looked at each other for a second before both ran full speed at each other. The two came together as there blades locked.

Anakin: WHERE IS HE!!!

Maul: Who?

Maul said with a smirk.

Anakin: WHERE IS EREN!!!

Maul: Oh, you mean my new apprentice. Don't worry, you be seeing him soon.

The two would break from there blade lock as the two move away from everyone. Anakin would use fast movements as Maul followed blocking every hit. Maul would force push Anakin back as he came running at him, launching towards Anakin aiming his blade for his chest, Anakin saw this as he simply side step making Maul miss. Anakin dose a quick spin around as both lock blades again. The two looked into each other's eyes as both Anakin and Maul eyes were a sickly yellow Sith color. Anakin started to apply pressure and push his blue blade closer to Maul's face. Maul quickly leaped out of the way and attempted to land a hit on Anakin but was ended up getting blocked. The two jumped back as they eyed each other down.

Maul: I wonder what Obi Wan would think after I kill you.

Anakin: That not going to happen.

Maul: Haha. You are what I should have been, and for that I will kill you and everything you love.

Anakin: Not happening.

The two charge at each other as a red crimson lightning bolt would shot down from the heavens hitting Anakin coving him in smoke. Running out of the smoke was Vader as he and Maul started to clash. Vader begins to land hard and heavy hits causing Maul to go on the defense. Maul started to back up and try to block every hit Vader thrown at him. Vader found a opening and takes it. Vader backhanded Maul off the wall as he follow suit. The two would use the force to slow down their fall as they land in the city below. Vader land in a dark alleyway as Maul land on a rooftop. Vader seeing that he had the high ground stayed patiently waiting for Maul to make the first move. Maul seeing his would get angered as he leap off the rooftop and lunged at Vader, Vader didn't move as repels the blow with ease.

Maul seeing how Vader attacks would do the same as he started to throw hard and heavy blows causing Vader to go on the defense. With Maul quick movements Maul jump over Vader planing for to hit him in the back only to be met with Vader lightsaber. Vader would turn around and force push Maul away into a house. Vader would make his way towards him but would stop as he hears the sound of the Armored Titan rearing in pain. A shot time after Vader would look up into the sky to see a barrel flying over the wall. Maul would get up from Vader last attack as he see he not paying attention to him as he rush him. Maul would swing his lightsaber at Vader as Vader turned at the last moment to block the attack. The two red blades dance with each other as Vader started to overpower Maul, it would be shot live how ever because not long a massive explosion would go off sending Vader and Maul flying away.

The explosion would knock Anakin out of his suit as he is sent flying into a nearby house. Anakin would drop his lightsaber inside the house as it rolls around before stopping at the feet of a unknown person. Anakin would be laying down on his stomach as he slowly start to push himself up. Anakin would see the legs of someone as he slowly looks up to see the last person he would see.

Anakin: Eren?!

Eren who was holding his brother lightsaber was looking down with a sad look in his eyes.

Eren: I'm sorry.

Anakin: Huh?

Eren: You well not understand what I have to do, to end are suffering.

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