Chapter 8

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On the wall of Trost, overlooking the district. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin speak with Pixis.

Eren: I'll do it! I'm not sure whether I can or not, but I'll do it!

Pixis: Hmm. Well said. You're quite the man.
Staff officers, assemble! Prepare to strategize!

Pixis then walked away.

Armin: What? Seriously? Calling this plan "optimistic" would be an understatement. How can we just go ahead with it?

Eren: I agree with you... but it's pointless to question his decision.

Anakin: I'm sure Commander Pixis can see something we can't.

Armin: Something we can't see?

Eren: Besides, there's probably a fundamental issue to deal with before executing the plan.
I'm sure the Commander is fully cognizant of that.

Armin: Which means...

Anakin: The Titans aren't our only enemies.

Armin: Huh?

Anakin: And when I find them.

Anakin's eyes changed colors from blue to sickly yellow, before turning back to blue.

Anakin: They will pay.

Pixis then came up to them.

Pixis: Time is of the essence. We have a role for you to fulfill, young soldiers.

Later in the day. The soldiers are gathered at the base of the wall to Trost, awaiting orders.

Soldiers: A plan to recapture Trost District? You're kidding me! As if we have the technology to plug that hole in the gate. What are the higher ups thinking? Isn't entering Trost District just suicide? But all we can do is defend Wall Rose's gate since the hole can't be sealed... Damn! Are they that starved for glory?

Daz: To be forced back into that hell... Krr... No! I don't want to die! Let me see my family!

Marco: Hey, Daz! You're too loud!

Superior: You there! I heard that! Are you planning to abandon your duty?!

Daz: Yes, that's right! There's nothing to be gained from this mass suicide mission!

The garrison superior prepares to draw a blade from his 3DMG.

Superior: How dare you make a mockery of mankind and order. I'll have you know I have the authority to execute you on the spot!

Daz also prepares to draw a blade.

Daz: Fine by me. That would be a hundred times better than getting devoured by a Titan!

Marco: Stop, Daz!

Daz: Get off! Don't touch me! Krr! I'm not going back there!

Soldiers: Hey, did you hear that? Given the situation, it's not surprising.

Soldier 1: Hey, I wonder if someone will rebel here, too.

Soldier 2: I also want to die on my own terms.

Garrison: Hey, you two!

Soldier 1: I-I was just joking!

Garrison: Do it.

Soldier 1: Huh?

Garrison: Make a real scene. With as many people as you can.

Soldier 1: Wha...?!

Garrison: Many of us in the Garrison aren't in agreement, too. We'll take advantage of the chaos and escape!

Jean: Where would you go then?

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