Chapter 7

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Eren sees Armin reach out for him as the Titan swallows Eren.

Eren (Thoughts): Dammit... Dammit!

Eren wakes up to find himself in the stomach of a Titan, surrounded by dead soldiers.

Eren: Ah! Ahh!!

Eren: (Thoughts) No... This can't be... We've changed in five years... We trained to become soldiers... We thought we were soldiers... So that we could defeat them... So that they couldn't prey on us...

Soldier: It's hot...

Eren: Huh...?

Eren turns to find another soldier floating in the Titan's stomach.

Soldier: It's so hot... Help me... Mom... Mom!

Eren (Thoughts): Mom... Mom...

Soldier: Help...

The soldier sinks into the stomach liquid.

Eren (Thoughts): Why must this happen? Why do they prey on us? They take our lives... our dreams...

Eren: Why?! Dammit! God dammit! I can't give up just yet! I'll annihilate you! Every single one of you! I'll destroy you with my own hands!

From the mouth of the Titan, an arm comes shooting out. The Titan is killed, and from the back comes Eren in his Titan form.

Attack.Titan: Uraaahh!!

Another Titan approaches Eren's Titan. Eren's Attack Titan crushes the first Titan's neck and approaches the second Titan.

Eren (Thoughts): I'll exterminate you all... I'll purge this world...

Titan: Uahhh!!

The second Titan jumps toward Eren's Attack Titan. Eren's Attack Titan punches the Titan in the mouth, instantly killing it.

Eren (Thoughts): ... of every last one of you! More! More! I'll kill more of you! I wanna kill more! More... Kill them all!

In the present day. Eren is in a daze while Armin supports him on his shoulder.

Eren: I'll kill you...

Armin: Eren?

Eren slowly returns to reality. He realizes that he, Armin, Mikasa and Vader are surrounded by other troops and backed into a corner. Vader stood in front of all of them with his lightsaber on his belt.

Eren: Ah!

Mikasa: Eren!

Armin: Eren, can you move? Are you yourself again? Tell them everything you know!
I'm sure they'll understand!

Eren: Armin...

Soldier 1: Did you hear that? He said "I'll kill you"!

Soldier 2: Yeah, I heard it, too. He wants to devour us all!

Soldier 1: Plus, who the hell is this guy?

Soldier 2: I don't know. But I think we should just kill them both and move on.

Vader: Do any such thing, and it will be the last thing you do.

A chill ran down all the soldiers back when they heard Vader speak.

Eren (Thoughts): What are you saying?
Why are they raising their swords against us? Those are weapons for killing Titans! Why are they glowering at me like that? What's going on?

Elsewhere in Wall Rose the cadets are gathered around to restock their supplies. Connie, Krista, and Ymir sit together.

Soldier 1: All cadets are to ready their equipment and stand by!

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