Chapter one

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Your pov:

It was a Saturday morning. The sun shining through your window. You slowly fluttered your eyes open and look around the room, eventually tossing your covers to the side to step downstairs into the living room. The house was silent. Typical.

You find your father passed out on the couch while you hear commotion in the kitchen, probably mum. You walk over to the kitchen, glaring at the couch. "Good morning Y/n" she smiled slightly. You knew that your sister's death still troubled her; but she understood that it hit you the hardest, seeing your sister commit suicide. You weren't sure why she did it though. You waved to your mother and she smiled back.

You took out my notebook and pencil and wrote down a simple sentence. 'are you ok?' she read the note and nodded. "Yes dear I'm fine. Also, when will you talk again? I miss your sweet voice" She answered as you shook my head in response. Not knowing yourself of when. You just didn't want to give her false hope.

She frowned "you have to try Y/n" you shook your head again. "Please Y/n?" You shook your head no and walked away. It didn't make sense to you of why it was so important to your mother to talk. Before your sister's death she always told you to shut up. You frowned at the thought of it.


You looked outside of your bedroom window, tracing the small raindrops with your fingers. You heard a knock on the door and your father came in. You glared at him not knowing what he wanted to do with you this time. "Hey Y/n~" he said in a sing song type voice, making you cringe. He noticed this and frowned. "Let's make this quick and easy ok? Hm?" He said still taunting you but you nod, now curious of what the grown man wanted to do with you. 

He pulled out a knife and pinned you to the wall, having the knife to your neck. You were frozen in fear, not knowing why a knife today. You stayed on the wall fearing on what would happen even if you move an inch. He slowly started gliding the knife across your neck, you closed your eyes not wanting to die from your father untill your mother, Angel spoke up behind you. "Brayden?" He turned his head around and the knife dropped. "Angel... Dear.. it's- it's not what it looks like" the male stammered. Angel starred at him unable to move, startled of what she had witnessed.

"Y/n! Come here!" You didn't move, you knew that your father would kill you if you even blinked. Tension rised in the air from the small room untill you broke the silence and took the risk of running. Your father broke his trance and ran after you.


You hid I'm your closet, terrified of what was going to happen if you came out. You heard a knock on the closet door and you opened it slightly. It was your mother. "Your safe now Y/n" her blue eyes starring into your e/c eyes.
You nodded, still skeptical but brave enough to come out. He was sleeping on the couch again. You searched around in your hoodies pocket untill the shape of a pocket knife touched your fingers. A small smile started to grow on your lips. Pulling the knife out, you slowly make your way to your father and stab him in the chest multiple times.

You see your father start to drown in his own blood, making you smile with pleasure but reality suddenly hit you. You had to run away. You didn't want your mother to know you killed her beloved. You ran up the stairs and grabbed a few things, slowly going back down the stairs and you wrote a letter that stated the following.

Hello if you are reading this then i am already far gone from me returning to your grasp. To put it more simply i have ran away.
I am scared of what this family is slowly growing to become. If you have not already noticed i have killed Brayden or father. Do not go looking for me and don't send police.
I'm sorry I'm like this,

You put down the pencil and wiped out the page from your notebook and set the note on the table. You go over to the front door but look back seeing the destruction and mangled corpse of your father. It made you smile and you ran out the door, knowing you needed to hide so that no one would be able to find you.

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