Chapter six

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Splendor's pov:

He was stressing out, knowing that y/n now knew his actual name. He wanted to keep it a secret so that no one else could ever get hurt. He never wanted to tell them.

Jeff's pov:

I look at the kid that is with splendor. Why were they even with him? Usually they got killed after slender found out but it's already been a month. Slender sent me to find that out, i thought it was idiotic but that's just me. "Hey Toby!" The male looked at me with a curious expression. "Yeah?" "Ready to kill a bitch?!" I yelled as a sinister smile formed on his face "Y-YEAH!!!" He stammered as he got his hatches ready for murder.

" I'll be right back ok Y/n?" I saw the kid nod. Perfect timing. They sat there looking around, and i struck. I stabbed them in the back but nothing came out. Weird. They turned around and just looked at me. I stepped back and called over Toby. They had expressionless eyes.

Toby walked over "h-hm?" He stuttered as he looked at the hooded kid.  "I stabbed them but they didn't scream. That's the best part honestly." I pouted as toby spoke up. "We should take them to slender." I shook my head. "We were supposed to kill them for SLENDER!!" I protested. "It's fine really!" Toby tried to reason with me. I heard a voice then. "Jeff? Toby? What are you doing here?" We turned to see splendor. "Fuck." I quickly say as Splendor walks over.

"We need to take this kid to slender!" Toby cheerfully said as they picked them up but then dropped them. "Their heavy." Splendor frowned. "Why do you want to take my lover to my brother?" He had an annoyed expression on his face wait- LOVER?!  Everyone but splendor looked surprised even the kid they were blushing like crazy. I took Toby's hand and walked out of there. The fuck not i was dealing with splendor and his shenanigans. 

"W-what the h-hell happened back there?" Toby asked as I shook my head. "No idea."
All I knew is that now i probably had to kill them. My zalgo this is exhausting.

Your pov:

You still couldn't process the fact that splendor called you his lover. Heat rise to your cheeks again and you saw the two boys leave.

What was that for?

You wrote down as Splendor turns to you. "It was for your own good, ok?" Yeah right. But you just nodded anyways.

You stood up and started back for the forest. "Where are you going y/n?" You show him your notebook again.


He smiled and stood up.

"Alright then."

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