Chapter four

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Splendor's pov:

He stared at Y/n's unconscious body, slowly running his fingers gently over them. He flinched everytime they moved, scared of the consequences he would receive if they awoken. They looked so peaceful when they slept. But... Why were they out here in the first place? He took off the bell that they had given back to them and slowly opened their hand; placing it in their palm, then having their fingers surround it.

He sat there for what it had seemed hours. He didn't care though, he adored them when they slept. He wanted to hug them when they were asleep, wondering if they were warm. He shook off the thought, he didn't want to come out creepy. He just gently smiled, watching over the small human next to him. 

He heard noises coming from around him. His brother then appearing in front of him.

"Brother. What are you doing? Is- is that a human?" Slender asked 'looking' at his brother concerned. Splendor looked at the human for a second and then nodded. "Yes brother if you must know and they are my friend." Splendor said in his human form, so that if they did wake up they would not be worried or scared.

Slender sighed "we need to go. You don't need to interact with a pitiful human. Please brother." Splendor frowned and then shook his head. "No brother! Please!" Slender went over to his younger brother still in his human form, dragging him back to the mansion. Splendor cried the whole time, not wanting to be separated from his new friend.

But he had no choice, he couldn't be friends with them, only making them happy. If he did make a friend; slender ordered to have splendor kill them brutality. I was forbidden to befriend a human of any kind.


Splendor sat on his bed, having his hands covering his eyes. He didn't want to leave them. He threw his hat across the room in anger. "WHY?!" He yelled in a rage, his voiced now morphed and transfigured. Sally knocked on the enraged spirits door. "Splendy? Are you ok?" Sally asked coming over and handing him Charlie, her stuffed bear. Splendor suddenly calmed down and nodded realizing it was just a human and he sees multiple everyday. But something about this one was different.

He wasn't the one giving happiness, They were giving him happiness instead. He grinned at the picture of their smile. Untill Sally broke their trance. "Splendy?  Are you ok? You didnt answer my questions."

Splendor nodded and tried to push the girl out of his room to think, her realizing this, she asked to play tea party, which he agreed to.

Your pov:

You looked around from where you were sleeping, the sun slightly shining on you. It was the forest after all. But one question had you puzzled. Where's Andrew? You pondered, standing up quickly circling the area around you. Staring at the ground you suddenly bump into someone, Andrew. He looked tired but once he looked at you his smiled instantly grew.

In a way it was kinda creepy, but you ignored it, just glad your friend was with you now. You then felt something small in your hand and when you looked you saw the bell you already gave Andrew. You were now confused. Why did he give to you?

"Splendor... What did I tell you about humans?" Your friend's eyes widen as he slowly turns around to see a tall slender creature. You had never seen Andrew in such a panic before even if you had only known him for a few days. But still it concerned you and that name too, was that Andrews name? Or was it a threatening nickname? It was confusing to say the least but something wrapped around your waist and you were face to 'face' with the slender creature.

You started to wiggle, trying to get out of its grip. Untill you heard Andrew yell. "BROTHER!!! LET THEM GO PLEASE!" they had tears in their eyes and you got dropped. You glaced up at the creature. Brother? You frowned, not wanting to talk to Andrew anymore. He could kill you if he wanted to. You got up and sprinted, not looking back.

And all you knew is that you weren't going to forgive untill you got answers even if it took a hundred years. You stopped in tracks noticing you had hot tears running down your face. Was it because you were scared or was it the fact that you just left your friend there with that monster? Either way, it still left you crying.

Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic....

It kept repeating in your head, you rolled up in a ball, knowing you couldn't do anything. Because you couldn't talk, there was no possible way. It not that you had a choice it's that you couldn't.


Your father smirked as you looked down at the ground, with your tongue in your hands, shaking in fear. "How's that bitch? Finally maybe you'll learn to not scream when I kill you." He cackled and left you there. That was the only way you could talk to your sister. You stared at the organ in your hands. You had no way of telling mom, like she would believe you anyways.

~Flashback finished~

You heard leaves crunch, but you kept your head down low, not wanting to talk. You heard his voice again.


Forgiveness. |Splendorman x mute reader|Where stories live. Discover now