Chapter nine

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Your pov:

You open your (e/c) eyes and you look around in confusion. Was you here for the whole night? You suddenly realize that there were arms around your waist and you checked it out. 'Wait- who do these arms go to?' You ask in your head, you start at the base and go all the way up the arm. You look a little higher and you see splendor with out his mask on sleeping peacefully. You feel your face become hot and you try not to move so that splendor could sleep.

You heard a small little moan and you hear his voice. "Y/n? What are you doing in here?" You freeze and you look at him as well, now having your eyes to connect with his. You see a pink dust over his face as he speaks. "Please get off of me." Was he blushing? You proceed to move off of him and you felt eyes on you, you could tell that splendor was looking at your but you tried to not let it get to your head.

You grabbed your notebook and sat down next to splendor, he looked like he was trying to process what he woke up witnessing. "So what were you doing in here?" He asks as you write down in your notebook.

I came to check on you, i heard crying.

He stops to look at you and then he nods, starting to speak. "Yea y/n i was crying." He seemed upset.

Why were you?

He stopped again but then looked at you. "You really wanna know?" You nod as he looks away from you, something is wrong.
"I know who you were talk to last night." You stop. How did he? "Do you understand what danger we're in?! For what cost y/n?! I can't believe I trusted you!" He yelled at you while looking at the ceiling. He then glaced at you and noticed tears, was he to harsh? "I- I'm sorry I scared you didn't I?" You didn't want to respond.

He pulled you into a hug but you knew for certain that he was angry at you. You pull out your notebook once again.

I'll leave.

He nods and you walk out. "Wow y/n look what you did now and it's all your fault.~" you turn around in anger to see zalgo. You shake your head no but he just chuckles. "Oh dear y/n~ one of these days sooner or later you'll learn this is how you earn things. You make others miserable.~" his chuckle turns into a cackle and you just stand there in anger. You take out your notebook in rage and write something down.

The deals off bastard.

He stares at the sentence and then you. "What do you mean the deals off?!" You shrug as you put away your notebook but you get pinned to the wall. "Listen here bitch, I'm not going to let you just call off a deal that i know you want me to fulfill. I can help you defeat slender and splendor shall be all yours." You turn your head away as you shake your head no, this was not the way you were going to let splendor love you, you saw his reaction. "Let me say it again. I. Can. Fucking. Help."

"Y/n? What's going on he- zalgo... Step away from them. Now." You saw splendor behind zalgo. You couldn't comprehend what was going on. "y/n step away from that creature! You don't know what he will do to you!" Zalgo smirked. "But we made a deal, didn't we y/n?~" you stopped and looked down at the ground. Splendor stopped. "You made a deal with him?! Y/N! Do you understand what you've done?! What do you even want?!"

You take out your notebook wanting to write but you put it down, accepting the fact that it was true, you did make a deal with him. "Cat got your tongue Y/n? Oh that's right." He stopped and cackled.

"YOU DONT HAVE ONE!!!!" he laughed even harder as you felt more tears start to fall down.

Splendor tightened his fists and turned away. "I'm sorry y/n but you seem like you have this situation in control." You stop, what? This... This can't be happening.

Forgiveness. |Splendorman x mute reader|Where stories live. Discover now