Chapter three

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Splendor's pov:

Splendor now getting called Andrew was enjoying his company with Y/n. But what would slender say about them? He shuddered at the thought and Y/n glimpsed at him looking worried. "I'm ok y/n. Thanks for wondering." He answered knowing y/n had said nothing. He couldn't believe that someone was friends with him. Most people were scared but y/n was different. Untill he remembered what he looked like. He didn't like the fact that he was now basically living a double life.

He didn't want to blow his cover yet. He was scared that y/n would panic at his actual form. He frowned knowing that he was an actor on stage. Bleeding, dying even, but feeling no pain cause it was fake.

The thought of y/n running in fear made him frown. He was not going to end up killing them on accident this time. Sure slender mostly would be proud but splendor would just feel worse about himself.

Thoughts of the screaming children he killed. He was a monster. He didn't notice but hot tears were running down his face. Y/n tapped him to make sure he was ok, breaking his focus. "Y/n? What's wrong-" he touched his face. He never cried in his human form, therefore it was extremely different. They were hot and wet, putting a finger on them and looking back at the color.

It was a slight rainbow.

He cried rainbows.

Y/n looked at him now admiring his rainbow tears. It was strange, new, something new they had never seen before. He wiped them and smiled slightly at y/n. They glaced away and then stood up starting to walk on the side of the road of where grass was, flower fields expanded far and wide next to them. "Where are going?"


"Can I come?"


"Alrighty then" He spoke then gliding over to y/n, making y/n stop in curiosity. They took in the fact that he had purple eyes and he cried rainbows. Making them shrug it off considering it normal at this point.


30 minutes have passed and they have been walking. Y/n could still hear the jingles from the bell on his bow-tie. Eventually the two stopped when the end of the road hit them. Now surrounded by forest for miles on end.
Y/n looked up at Andrew waiting for approval to walk in, even though he asked them to walk with them.

They continued into the forest, the tall trees looked as they bent down covering their few from the sky. Around them was rustling from the sounds of animals hitting the leaves with their feet. Y/n looked around, curious of where they were. They had never been in such a beautiful place.

Time started to pass and the day started to dim, making it slightly cooler in the forest.
Y/n sat down near a tree and then wrote in their notebook for the last time that night.

I am going to sleep now.

Andrew read the note and nodded. He turned into a white light that swirled around them and he disappeared, it seemed as he had a habit of do that.

Your pov:

You take out a small sleeping bag and get inside, having your bag next to you as you slept. It was pretty cold out so you had to make sure to cover yourself up. Through out the night you still heard the jiggles of the same bell you gave Andrew earlier that day.

Something about Andrew though, made you nervous. Like he was hiding something from you. Something horrible. You shivered at the thought but the idea of Andrew hiding something from you still stuck in your mind. He did stutter on his name... It didn't make sense. He also didn't seem happy when talking to you.

Were you the problem?

You frowned at the idea, snuggling into your sleeping bag you could still hear the jingles from his bell but at this point you ignored them. But little did you know that he was watching over you, making sure that you slept peacefully and safely.

You drifted off still skeptical if he had things he didn't tell you. But why did it matter to you anyways? You just met him. He surely doesn't know everything about you.


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