Chapter ten

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Your pov:

You.. you messed up. You close your eyes and your vision is suddenly surrounded with black. You look around and you see Splendor's brother, cautious but helpless, you walk up, expecting the worst. A voice suddenly revealed itself. "Hello child, what might bring you here?"

You look up at the faceless man, when he wasn't attacking you, he seemed quite mature. You take out your notebook and show the page with written words to the male.

I messed up and it's my fault. I want to confess all my wrong.

The man looked at you and nodded. "Go on child, I shall not harm as long as you don't deserve it." You nod as you start writing it took awhile but it was finally done.

Let me start at the beginning, i wasn't a bad kid but I've never been treated well. I don't have a tongue so that is why you are reading this piece of paper. When I first met splendor, i saw him as a friend and you saw me as a threat. So you tried to kill me no?

The man stops and nods letting him continue to read.

I didn't know why you wanted to hurt me but over the weeks I've learned that I have fallen in love with your brother. We had some good times but we also had some bad. But before that you still wanted to kill me, so you sent two boys and one of them stabbed me. I didn't scream and the male didn't see this as normal and eventually they ran off. That night a demon named zalgo made a deal with me, one that i knew you hated. I wanted you dead. I realized why I felt this way is because my love for your brother, to scare away the boys he called me his lover and i realized that i had feelings for him. But I had made a deal after with zalgo to kill you so that splendor could be mine. It was wrong of me. So wrong of me he had cried tears because of me. I don't deserve his love because I have been such a horrible person and I'm sorry he had to meet me.

The slendered tall man before you read the note and stopped. "To be fully honest child i have never heard such honesty and yes, you were quite horrible but it was my fault as well." You look up at the man and he seems to be smiling slightly even if he had no visible face. "But is there another reason you hath come here?" You nod as he leans in for your reason.

Yes, I'm wondering if you can save me from zalgos grip.

The man stops and nods. "Before you do so i have to tell you that everything comes with a price child." You were awoken immediately and zalgo had vanished. You looked around and see splendor was still not in the room. You get up and start searching for him and you find him crying in his room alone. You knew that this was your fault. You sit down next to him but give him a distance. "What do you want y/n? Can't you see I'm crying?" You nod as he glares at you. You really messed up didn't you?

I can leave

He reads the small note and you get up but we're suddenly pulled back down. "Can you stay?" You slightly blush, but this isn't what love was. He felt pain because of you but you sit there, his head in your lap as you silently stroke his hair in his human form. "Is this your way to say sorry?" You nod as your eyes lock with his.

"I forgive you y/n and i have something to show you." You were confused with the sentence but he got up and walked as you followed. You were now outside of the cabin and you looked around in confusion all there was, was splendor, you, and his brother.

"I'm sorry y/n."

What was going on? Was this the end for you? "Brother please proceed i dont want to watch." Your eyes widen as tears started to silently come down. You suddenly feel a tendril stab into you multiple times and you laid down on the ground. Bleeding out. You deserved this huh? Instead of crying any longer you start to smile and you see Splendor walk up to you and look down at your dying figure.

You felt his rainbow tears on his cheeks as you laid there smiling. "I'm so sorry y/n. I love you." He says as you open your mouth as your tears start to come back.

In the cracked voice you had you said only the words.

"I love you too."

You close your eyes as you feel more tears drop down onto yours cheeks that belonged to splendor.

"Y/n... Don't leave me.. please... I'm sorry.. y/n don't- y/n.. Y/N!!"

Maybe in another life.

The end.

Forgiveness. |Splendorman x mute reader|Where stories live. Discover now