Chapter seven

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Jeff's pov:

"YOU DID WHAT?!" I hear slender's booming yell fill the office to it's brim. I looked over at Toby and he slightly flinched at the power of his voice. "it's fine! We'll try again! Have i ever failed you sir?" I tried to reason with him but he shook his head. "No! I am not letting a human befriend my brother! He's-" slender stopped and then sighed. "I- I just don't want to lose him. He's to innocent."

The room turned silent. We've never heard slender in such worry. Toby frowned. "S-sir! Why do y-you care so much a-about your brother anyways?" Slender stood up and went over to a picture with his brothers. Offenderman, Trenderman, Splendorman, and him. "It's quite a story, are you up for it?" He looked back and we nodded.


We stared at the slender figure in front of us, eyes widened in shock. "We're so sorry we-" he cut me off. "It's alright child, the past is the past. I'm just afraid to lose him. I don't want the same thing to happen again." He said as he sat back down and picked up a pen. "Your dismissed." We nodded and left the blood boiled inside of me. I had to kill them. I just had to and this time... Oh this time..

I'm going alone.

Your pov:

It's been two months living with splendor and you got quite close to him. The forest became your home and everything seemed perfect now. But the thought of Splendor's brother, the two boys, and your sister lingered in your mind. Spiraling downwards into your thoughts. "Y/n?" You look up to see Splendor in front of you. "I've been hiding something from you." Your eyes widen, it could have been anything.

You stare into his purple eyes, those Beautiful purple eyes and he begins. "This is not my true form. I- i am not human." You shake your head, it couldn't be true. You take out your notebook.

Can you show me?

His eyes widen. "Your not going to be scared?" You shook your head.


He nodded and then transformed. There he was. Splendorman. The real Splendorman. You start to smile, his form made you happy. "Am I ok? Did I scare you?!" His worriedness didn't show, he remained smiling like he had a mask that covered his true colors. You shook your head no.

His tone then turned into a bubbly joyful one. "Thank you!" Small rainbow drops came from the hallow holes in his mask. You came over and hugged him, his whole body tensing up but then gives in to the hug his body softening. His embrace felt so warm. You loved it, you never wanted to let go.

You suddenly feel your body limp, a sharp pain began to grow in your back and you look up. You were no longer in Splendor's embrace. You saw a creature that was red as blood and had several mouths, a demon.

"Hello y/n..." You step away quickly, who was this creature and what did they want? "I can hear your thoughts no need to write or speak..." You were stunned and wrote down.

What do you want?

He smirked and he put his arms around your waist. "Just to help darling~ I can't let such a beautiful soul go to waste.~" you felt heat rise to your cheeks, was he flirting with you?! Your heard a low chuckle escape from his lips. "I can help kill splendor's brother.~ then he can't steal him away from you~" His voice taunted.

Your eyes widened and you felt your heart start to beat faster. "Just let me help~ control you maybe...~" his word were like poison, you wanted to accept so badly. "Hm... Usually you mortals would accept already... Is something holding you back?~ love
maybe?~" heat rose to your cheeks again. "You can't tell me that your not in love with him. But with my help he can be all yours.~" you stopped.

He took out his hand. "Come on Y/n... Won't you shake a poor sinners hand?" He tauntingly said as you took out your hand slowly finally clasping it with his.

"Excellent." He faded away and you were back with splendor his expression worried you. "Thank zalgo your alright! I was worried!" You smiled but you now knew two things, you were in love with your best friend, Splendor and you were going to kill his brother with a demons help. Zalgo.

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