Chapter five

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Your pov:

You keep your gaze at the ground in front of you, ignoring the fact that Andrew was trying to talk to you. "Y/n.." he kept repeating your name, seeming as he was getting more desperate every time. "Y/N!" He screamed with a distorted scream, finally turning your head around to see him, he looked demonic. It scared you.

He noticed this and the form faded away and revealed his normal self again with his purple eyes. "I'm sorry y/n I-" you shook your head and hugged him, happy he was back to normal. You felt hands slowly fall onto your back and you hugged him what it felt like hours.

You pulled away from his embrace and lock eyes with him, starting to feel heat rise to your cheeks but you probably had sunburn, you were in the sun after all. You just smiled and looked away from his violet gaze. "I'm so sorry about my brother y/n..." You glace at him again and take out your notebook.

Don't be.

You smile as he reads the note. "So you really don't care?" You shake your head. But you could still feel the presence of that creature and didn't like him. 

And you didn't care how long it would take, but you would dispose of him and you will do everything in your might to accomplish this.

"Y/n?" You hear Andrews voice again. You fix your gaze upon Andrew. "Can I tell you something?" He got closer to you, inches away from your face. Your eyes widen as he opens his mouth to speak.

"Can we get waffle fries?"

Your grin widens as you nod. You had never had waffle fries before so it was new to you.


Your hood was over your face cause you knew for a fact someone would be looking for you, you were sharing with Andrew and having a wonderful time even if you were mute.

Untill someone caught your eye, A boy with jet black hair, a white hoodie, black jeans, and converses. He seemed to be in conversation with a brunette also in a hoodie.

"So when are we going to explain to splendor that we need to kill him Jeff?" Asked the brunette as he ticced. The black haired male answered. "That's the fun in it Toby, we don't." He smirked and cackled as the male you believed answered to Toby, also laughed.

Who were they talking about and who was Splendor? You turn to your friend that was watching the water fountain in the distance. You take out your notebook and then tap his shoulder.

Who is Splendor?

His whole body froze and looked at you after he read the note. "W- why is that important Y/n?" His tone seemed worried as it concerned you.

Andrew i know you know something.

He shakes his head and looked you dead in the eyes. " I know nothing of this and don't you dare ask me such a question again." He was angry and that was worrying as well. You shook your head, you wanted the answer.

Andrew sighed. " Fine if you really want to know." Your eyes widened in excitement. "You would have to give me a hug." He smiled as you two hugged. " My name isn't actually Andrew. It's Splendorman." He said as he pulled away from your warm embrace.

You wrote down another reply.

It is?

He nodded as you smiled. "Are you glad I told you y/n?" You just nod and smile. But another thought wandered in your head.

Who were those two boys and what did they want to do with you?

Forgiveness. |Splendorman x mute reader|Where stories live. Discover now