Operation P.I.A.N.O.

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Now loading: Kids Next Door mission: Operation P.I.A.N.O.


An alarm blares in KND headquarters as Wally runs to the pods, followed by Kuki, Hoagie, Abby, Nigel and Alastor. They each jump into their respective one, Abby's a phone booth, Hoagie's a locker, Alastor's a coffin, Nigel's a giant air tank (A/N: I don't know what it is so I guessed), Kuki's a giant bunny and Wally's a urinal. The pods drop down until the operatives are at the room with their machine.
Wally: Come on, troops. Move out! Let's go! Let's go! Move, move, move!
The ceiling opens up as the S.K.Y.C.L.A.W. takes off.
Computer: Kids Next Door S.K.Y.C.L.A.W. Supersonically Kool Yellow Claw Lowering Aerial Weapon
The Sector V operatives sat in their respective colored bumper car.
Alastor: Trajectory is stable.
Abby: All systems looking good.
Kuki: Hamster generator is at maximum power!
Hoagie: Speed set at super-fast factor five.
Nigel: Okay, team. Numbuh 4 has discovered the source of an imminent delivery of hundreds of type "p" kid-torture devices. Our mission is to find the shipment and destroy it.
Abby: Type "p"? What's a type "p" torture device?
Kuki whimpers and shakes while covering her mouth with her sleeves.
Wally: These things are horrible! They've got to be stopped.
Wally shakes a fist.
A bunny hops into the road that starts rumbling. It stares ahead as a 95 wheeler truck comes toward it, horn blaring, making the bunny scurry away.
Truck driver: (singing) Oh, my little Charlene. The sweetest durn girl that I ever done seen. Well, she's not too purty, and her teeth ain't clean. But she's got quite a way of cookin' sardines. Oh, my little Charlene. The sweetest durn girl that I ever done...
The S.K.Y.C.L.A.W. flies above the truck and lowers down the operatives except Hoagie on a rope, with magnets attached to their shoes. Hoagie gives them a thumbs up as he lowers down a chainsaw contraption. The contraption cuts a hole on the truck and is brought back up to the S.K.Y.C.L.A.W., a plunger is lowered down and takes off the hole. The operatives on top the truck look in the truck before jumping in.
Wally: Ugh... there's thousands of them.
The truck is loaded with pianos.
Abby: Pianos? Type "p" torture devices are pianos?
Alastor: My Avó (Grandma) plays one of these.
Wally: You don't know what it's like! They make you play the same song over and over again. Tink-ta-tink ga ga ga-ga ga ga-ga ga-ga.
Alastor: Are we sure the pianos are the only torture device in this truck?
Wally: Ahhh! It's-it's it's horrible!
Abby: Mmm, mmm, mmm.
She turns around and starts playing a small tune.
Wally: I'm serious! My mum ordered one of these monstrosities...for me.
Wally starts sobbing.
Nigel: He's right. These things are a menace to children everywhere. So let's get started. Numbuh 3, signal Numbuh 2 to begin "Operation Lift and Shade."
Kuki: Okey-dokey.
She signals "J P J" with flags.
Hoagie: Aye, ate.
He lowers down a claw that almost hits Abby.
Abby: Hey!
Now the claw almost hits Nigel.
Nigel: Uh, watch it!
Hoagie: Oops. Ooh, oop! Uh, almost.
The claw finally grabbed onto the piano.
Kuki: Woo-hoo!
The claw brings up the piano and demolishes it with spiked rollers.
Hoagie: One down.
Kuki: Yay! No more pianos!
Nigel: Excellent! Let's get that player piano next.
The truck driver yodels while Sector V continue their mission.
Nigel: Gently. Gently.
Nigel motions for the claw to come down but it almost hits him.
Nigel: Hey, watch it!
Wally: (quietly) Oh, man. This is taking way too long. Huh?
He sees the lock for the doors.
Wally: Bingo!
He grunts while trying to lift it up.
Wally: Come on, open up, you cruddy- gaaa!
He kicks up the lock as the doors open, making the Australian gasp.
Wally: Numbuh 4, you are some kind of genius.
Alastor: Since when?!
Wally: I didn't need ya input, Numbuh 6!
The truck drives up a hill as the pianos come toward Wally.
Wally: Huh? Ohh!
He manages to miss the first and second, but got run over by the third. This prevented him from missing the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh as they also ran over him. The eighth fell on him before jumping out. The ninth, tenth, eleventh, and many others also ran over him.
At KND Headquarters, Nigel's at his podium in the briefing room.
Nigel: Okay, Kids Next Door, simple question. What did we learn today?
Hoagie: Do not deviate from plans.
Alastor: Always listen to direct orders.
Abby: Teamwork is the key to mission success.
Kuki: Operational procedures are important.
Wally: Pianos are heavy.
He was sitting in a wheelchair, elevating his arm cast with two casts on his legs.
Nigel: Oh, close enough. Okay, here's the bad news. Numbuh 4's "strategy" didn't get all the pianos.
He pulls up a hologram of the truck.
Nigel: Satellite readings indicate that one piano remains on the truck.
On the truck, the doors are still open as the hole shines down sunlight, acting like a spotlight to a golden piano. A plate in the middle reads "For Wallabee Love Mom".
Wally: Well, what are we waiting for?
Wally grunts as he moves his wheelchair forward, that is, until he's stopped by Nigel.
Nigel: Hold it, Numbuh 4. You're in no condition to go anywhere.
Wally: Oh, yeah? Just watch me.
He grunts as he moved his casted arm around, ultimately trying to stand up. He fails.
Nigel: Just my point. But don't worry. We managed to find a temporary replacement for you.
Some automatic doors open, revealing a golden furred hamster with a sideways "4" sign around its neck.
Wally groans as Hoagie and Kuki help him back into his wheelchair. Kuki gasps and squeals as she runs over to the hamster.
Kuki: New Numbuh 4 is so cute!
She picks him up and cuddles him against her face.
Kuki: Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!
The hamsters murmers.
Wally: You're replacing me with a hamster?!
Nigel: Well, it was short notice.
Abby: Besides, the new Numbuh 4 came up with a great plan.
Abby pats Hamster Numbuh 4 on the head.
Hoagie: Wow, smart and cute, too.
He scratches Hamster Numbuh 4 on the head.
Alastor: The new Numbuh 4 is like me, except it's cuter than people describe me.
She rubs Hamster Numbuh 4 on the head.
Abby: Oh, yeah, baby. You got it going on.
Alastor: It reminds me of Furs and the kitties. Cute and small!
Alastor squeals.
Abby: Hey, that's what I'm talking about. Ha ha!
Hamster Numbuh 4 coos and blushed.
Abby, Hoagie, Kuki, and Alastor; Awwwwwww!
Wally: You've got to be kidding! You're not actually gonna let a hamster devise a plan for you guys, are you?
Nigel: Oh, no. Don't worry there, Numbuh 4. We'll get that last piano!
He punched Wally's cast.
Wally; Owwwwww- Oooooh!
Nigel laughs.
Nigel: Yeah, right. Well...
Nigel clears his throat.
Nigel: New Kids Next Door, let's move out!
Sector V except Wally run and hop into their respective pods, Hamster Numbuh 4 hopping into Wally's pod.
Hamster Numbuh 4: Bye-bye!
It waves at Wally as the pod closes and drops down.
Wally groans.
The S.K.Y.C.L.A.W. takes off.

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