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Youngmin wasn't 100% sure how he got here, he just knew he'd had one too many drinks with Yeosang and now here they are at the park in the cold with a skateboard.

"Come on Youngie! 's fun!" Yeosang sing-songs pointing to the skateboard.

"Don't rush me," Youngmin says, staring at the skateboard. It was a death trap and he knew it but one foot after another he placed his feet on the board and cheered, thankful he didn't immediately fall off.

"Now what?" he questions looking at Yeosang. The slightly older man gives a smile, his hands going out to hold Youngmin's hips.

"Ok bend your legs, well not that much just a lil, yeah! Ok and now we go!" Yeosang gives Youngmin a little push and there he rolls very slowly on the skateboard.

"OH MY GOD, IT'S SO FAST!" Youngmin shouts despite not even moving very fast. Yeosang stands by him laughing.

"I KNOW!" he agrees. They stay like that, going very slowly in the middle of the park until Youngmin gains some confidence. He takes one foot off the board, using it to push on the concrete to propel himself faster. It works so he does it again and again until he's going fairly fast, but too fast for his drunk brain to process.

"OH MY GOD I'M SONIC!" he shouts believing he was going very quickly. He just kept going and going but remembered something. He doesn't know how to stop.

"AHHHH" Youngmin screams as he comes face to face with a basketball pole. He hits it dead on before falling and tumbling into the bed of grass nearby. Yeosang jogs up to him with a worried expression on his face.

"Youngmin shit! You ok?" he questions. Instead of crying in pain, Yeosang turns onto his back, throwing Yeosang a flirtatious wink.

"You see that baby? That was me falling for you" he says blowing a kiss.

"Oh yeah? Fall harder next time" Yeosang huffs, making the two of them laugh. Yeosang reaches a hand out to Youngmin to help him up and that's when things truly went south. The world began spinning too quickly and yet everything finally caught up with Youngmin's body as he turned around and hacked up everything. Yeosang turned away disgusted by the sight and smell, mentally cursing Youngmin.

"Sangie...I don wanna skate no more," Youngmin groggily admits. Yeosang nods in agreement, all the excitement leaving once he sees Youngmin barf. He picks the board up from the grass and tosses an arm around Youngmin's waist.

"Let's go,"

Drunk, the pair stumble back home where their roommates anxiously waited for them. Their worries only grew when the two stumbled through the door giggling like crazy people.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" Wooyoung hisses. As he approached them he could smell exactly what had been wrong.

"WOOYOUNG!" Yeosang shouts, throwing himself at his best friend who gags. Yeosang smells gross.

"Jesus. You're lucky we found you instead of Hongjoong hyung, you know that" Wooyouong says holding his best friend up.

"Oh I'm so scared"

"Come on, you need a shower" Wooyoung groans, dragging Yeosang. He only got three steps in before Yeosang hacked up everything similarly to Youngmin just twenty minutes ago.

"Ah, he got you good!" Youngmin laughs from Mingi's chest, which he was just casually laying against the taller.

"Come on hyung you should shower too," Mingi says and begins helping Youngmin to the other bathroom.

Thankfully both Mingi and Wooyoung were able to convince their drunk friends to shower and put pajamas on (youngmin had been very adamant about going to sleep naked) and tucked into bed.

"I don't know how it happened but they should never drink together again," Mingi says and Wooyoung laughs in agreement.



ೃ⁀➷ ꒰ a/n꒱ i woke up and wrote this. I'm still not sure what this is so let's just call it a filler chapter of some sorts! i love youngmin and yeosang though so this was fun to write.  ♡༉


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