Images and Bar

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He gets up from his seat clearly uncomfortable with everything going on. “Excuse me. I would like to use the restroom. ” He speaks with evidence that he's trying to control himself.

“Is everything okay?” There are frowns on her forehead as she shifts, giving way to the accountant who responds not but just walks out on her, leaving her with a look of confusion as she watches him leave.


Inside a dimly orange-lit small bar, the petite maids swing their little cheeks that are mostly bare as they move about their businesses. It's hard to recognise well but one is able to tell that it is humans inside the room.

A fairly large vintage lamp hangs above the middle part of the bar. As a result, the central part of the room stands out as the only well illuminated. There are other smaller bulbs attached to the top most edges of the walls adjacent to the ceiling but their light is insignificant.

The place is like a strip club with no dancing poles but with lust bursters.

A figure similar to Koke's sits at one of the corners of the bar. He quietly drinks from a glass half-filled with a honey-brown liquid. It's relatively dark in the corner and it's difficult to identify who this dude is. Murmurs dominate the room and low-volume slow music from an undetectable source is the background of the ambience.


Meanwhile, Mary is home in her living room. Her legs are folded on the couch as she stares blankly. She's in a milk-white short satin dress that reveals her thighs, cleavage and arms.

 She's in a milk-white short satin dress that reveals her thighs, cleavage and arms

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On a black table in front of her and the couch is an open green 75cl bottle filled three-quarters with a liquid. In one hand she holds a cone-shaped glass with a light yellow drink. She shifts her eyes to it before pouring all its contents into her mouth, swallowing all at once.

In the other hand is her phone which she unlocks, scrolling a few times before the accountant's name shows on her screen. On display too are the texting and calling options. She lets out a heavy breath through her mouth prior to blacking the screen. Her hand falls to the couch with the phone still in the hold and she places the glass on the table, shifting herself for a refill. Once her legs touch the floor, she unlocks the gadget once more. She commences swiping at the screen. Her face lets go of the sombre look though no smile claims any of it. She's going through some pictures but on closer notice, they're snaps of her and Koke on the evening the two visit the beach. From the look, the pics are taken by someone other than her and Koke. She doesn't look moved though. Maybe she knows about the photographer who only manages to capture their backsides. Some images show the two workmates heading to the beach and some show them already at the beach. One in particular shows Mary putting her hair back in order while they face the vast water body.

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