Outside Visitors 2

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"Yeah." Fina nods first, following that with a not-obvious shake of her head. "I don't know whether he lost his job or something. But....I don't know. The last time we talked about him returning to Cuba, I could sense that he was uncomfortable with the topic." She sighs.

She and Catherina are sitting opposite each other. A small brown wooden table of a round shape separates them. Inside a bistro in town, they discuss issue after issue, Koke's refusal to return to Bob's after his one-month work leave being one of those. Marion's mum too sighs while her friend's explanations sink.

The visitor thinks that she might be losing her son. Catherina solaces the long-time colleague, reminding her that Koke's character is part of him since childhood. Fina lives with her firstborn for a long period before the lad's departure to the Caribbean island and the comrade encourages her not to give up on the son so simply.

"Perhaps, there's something about Cuba the boy doesn't like and he doesn't want to get back there." Catherina muses.

"I wish he tells me then. But, he remains quiet." Fina gestures with confusion written all over her. She goes ahead to assert that she never in a single moment gets the dude speaking on the phone. "At least that can assure me of his sanity." She shrugs.

"Workmates shun, Fina. Maybe, he's always ignored because of his natural character that's difficult to change. He's a reserved guy, you know."

"Hmm." Fina sighs, nearly rolling her eyes with the slightest head movement. "We're in a normal world dear. I may not force him to see things the way I would wish but just know, he really needs to adjust."

"Time rules." Catherina replies. "Koke isn't the common man and his time for adjustments isn't the same as that of most."

"He's different, anyway. But this difference is out of control." Fina's palm is supporting the side of her tilted head, the elbow of the same hand supporting all that with the table surface. She's looking at her friend helplessly.

Marion's mother pulls gently the pal's free hand, pressing over it calmly with both hands of hers. "It is still a matter of time." She mentions soothingly in a lowered tone. "Believing in time's healing abilities is the only hope we have." Her hold on Fina's hand tightens.

The visitor looks away from Catherina to the ceiling. "Koke's character isn't the only headache I have though. I miss my husband more than ever. And....I feel like I miss him more in Koke's presence? It's like my firstborn reminds me of that void yet....He doesn't even say a thing about him."

Koke and the stepdad have no vendetta but they don't talk either. It is a matter of salutes, simple jokes and that's it.

Catherina starts to dawt Fina's hand with a thumb. The mother of four continues the tale of her current situation to her, describing how she still craves the hubby's special spot canoodles. She might be in her forties, but Koke's mum anticipates Ugandan discussions.

"Since Koke's return, there's this pull I have towards him." Fina pauses while Catherina's eyes get smaller. "Not like his mother though." The though is silent only for the neighbour to hear in the room rumbling with customers.

Marion's mum slowly releases the friend's hand, eyeing the visitor with pure suspicion.

"No worries though, Catherina. I'm still a mother and I'll be. Look, I'm trying as much as possible to keep myself...." Catherina's phone rings, cutting Fina off. The former's questioning look snaps away from her companion to the gadget screen and back to the latter. She gestures for her to go on with the halt in her narrative prior to answering the call.

"Hello." The older woman speaks firmly but her voice sounds uncertain at the same time. Her eyes move between nowhere and Fina as if she's scared or curious. "Yes, good afternoon." She halts her eye movements, now looking fixedly away from the colleague. Her expression grows tense with each dying second. "Really?" Catherina asks. She stammers whilst she requests to know from the person at the other end of the line whether they are sure of their knock on the door. Her questioning look gets back to the person opposite her for a second with a sigh. "Alright. You can either take it back or just deliver it to any of my neighbours." She ends the call, shaking her head and sighing again.

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