Just something

16 2 13

Hello to anyone reading this.

This chapter is just used for me to check out something. 

Reply to this line if you are reading this at a time when you should be asleep and your parents know that you're awake

Reply to this line if you are reading this at a time when you should be asleep and your parents don't know that you're awake

Reply to this line if you are reading this right before you're supposed to head off to school

Reply to this line if you are reading this in class

Reply to this line if you are reading this during break time

Reply to this line if you are reading this after school

Reply to this line if you are reading this when you're supposed to do your homework (after school)

Reply to this line if you are reading this right before you're supposed to go to bed

Reply to this line if you are reading this while multitasking 

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