Re-reading 'The Sea of Monsters'

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So yeah, I read the Sea of Monsters again and in this chapter, I'm going to list some things that I just noticed or stuff that I think people might have forgotten. 

Before I start though, I would like to thank ChildofCabin3 for being the first person to comment and vote on this book.

Anyways, here's some things you probably forgot about and are mentioned in the Sea of Monsters:

• Annabeth still has a shadow even if she's invisible (at least that's what I think)

• The Grey Sisters are called Anger, Wasp, and Tempest

• At first, Percy was kinda ashamed he had Tyson as a brother

• Tyson doesn't like traveling underground alone and changing in front of people

• Tyson calls Chiron 'pony' and pegasi (is this how you spell it?) 'chicken ponies'

• The only person at camp who had no problem with Tyson being there was Charles Beckendorf

• The bronze bulls that attacked camp became tame after their heads got banged in

• Percy knew how Tantalus was punished yet he didn't know the story of Jason (the original) and the Golden Fleece.... (I personally think that the Golden Fleece is more well-known)

• Some of the campfire songs include: "Down by the Aegean", I Am My Own Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandpa", and "This Land is Minos's Land"

• There once was a show named 'Hercules Busts Heads'

• The two snakes on Hermes's caduceus are called George and Martha

• Chris Rodriguez was on board the Princess Andromeda when Percy boarded it the first time

• Blackbeard's real name was Edward Teach, and he wanted a big bowl of celery after he got turned back.... (guess he still kept the appetite of a guinea pig then! Wait, do guinea pigs eat celery???)

• Thalia was described as having blue eyes... (she used to have green eyes in TLT)

• Polyphemus has a sheep named Lockhart... (possible HP crossover?)

• Another goat was name Einstein (where does he get these names?), and one was named Hasenpfeffer (which I'm pretty sure is rabbit-pepper or something in German)

• There's an attack plan called attack plan Macedonia

• Tyson and Percy can communicate telepathically since they're both sons of Poseidon (maybe it's a 'creature of the sea' thing)

• Blackjack is a she/female pegasus (I think)

• Page 249, fifth paragraph, last sentence, hardcover edition (IT'S A PUN!!)

This copy:

• There's a newspaper called the Olympus Weekly (and let's not forget about Hephaestus TV)

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• There's a newspaper called the Olympus Weekly (and let's not forget about Hephaestus TV)

• Address of camp:

Camp Half-Blood

Farm Road 3.141

Long Island, New York 11954

• The cafeteria food at the cyclopes forges are terrible; THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE ENCHILADAS

LMAO, that's all for the Sea of Monsters (I think). BTW, I kinda feel like TLT (The Lightning Theif) looks like a emoticon/kaomoji. 

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