Happy birthday!

639 11 5

Can't I be free?

Even if nothing awaits for me,do I still have a chance in life?
I want to look at the stars and see if they'll respond.But I think that if they do I'll just run away like a coward.

"Your a good girl,am sure something awaits for you and is something so big you won't be able to see it!" Mom patted. My hand as she shivered from the cold.Her lips were bright purple,her skin is to pale,she can barely speak from the cold.

"But what should I do?" A tear fall and travel down my face. "Momma,what should I do!?nobody wants to hire me in town because am a kid!No,no,no am not a kid I can do better!I can learn,I'll buy you a big house!A big ring!Lots of food!so please,I beg you don't go!!!" I kneel on the cold harsh wooden floor.I stood up and ran outside,my legs could barely made a step between the snow...but who cares? There's someone that's waiting for me,that has try her very best to make it atleast until now!

But who cares?  nobody it's going to my rescue anymore,am going to rescue myself and mom!

I ran through the snow as I beg and scream for help while i instantly repeated in my head 'am strong!'.

"Am strong! But who cares?

I walked towards the navy's counter huffing and puffing for air as I carry a man in my back.But this was no ordinary man,he's a pirate.he's bounty will make me live at least a few days more...The soldiers flinch at the sight of a woman carrying a strong muscle headed man and dropping it on the floor like a sack of potatoes.

"Oi!inst that the pirate,musqui!" They all gather to justify the soldier words.Their eyes widen and looked at me straight in the eye.
"Did you really beat up,musqui? But your a-" I hush his lips.
"And?can A woman not be strong? There's many out there in the grand line,Can I not be one of them?" They stood silently and apologized "yeah thanks for apologizing,but can I have my money?" One of them  hurried to the counter and drop a bag full of golden coins. I collect the money and made my way out.

But today I didn't make a big ruckus to the navy.I didn't scold them for their sexism,for not giving me the right amount of money, and lastly I didn't beat the pirate half to dead like I always do.
You know why? Because today,today is a special day...Sometimes you make special days so Time could stop while you gather your thoughts on that special day.Today am going to be free,am letting who I really am out!

I ran through town as the breeze sway my hair back and forth while a big smile crossed my face making the residents in town shiver and look at me weirdly.The only see me act like a child once every year because I was the pirate hunter in town i Need to remain strong and show dominance.but today...fuck that! Today am me and only me and if I want to I'll even steal a whole bank!

I stop running an enter my favorite place in town,Ross's pastries!
"Ross!Ross!Can I have a vanilla and chocolate cake!?" I ran to the counter eyeing all the delicious pastries that lay in between the glass and me.I drool and took the hand shifter Ross gave me. "Gosh is it that day already?" Ross eye me up and down.
I smile brightly nodding my head rapidly.
"My god!I wish you would act more like yourself around town so people can see the real you!Your such a nice person..."
Ross packed the cake carefully and put in on a bag. "I...wish I could!But it's hard showing who you are sometimes!" I scratch the back of my head and softly hug Ross.Out of all the people in this town she was the only one who in my mothers last moments help me.Atleast that day I knew that not all people are bad they just cannot be fully trusted.

Ross hand me the heavy bag full of cake "here,some soda while make this day more special!" I stare at her in amusement,she never does this...this soda is expensive now day's.

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