Chapter 11

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Zoro sticks.

Yeah you heard me plainly and clearly!


So today I'll get recommendations from the straw hats on how to make your boyfriend bath?

"Sir! Sir!" Luffy turn around, his mouth full of food.

"Sir, captain Luffy we request a heavenly implied subject on how to make your boyfriend bath aka, zoro! Do you know how to?"

Luffy stare at me with wide eyes he then swollen his food down to the stomach. " what does that mean?"

"Luffy do you bath."

"I bath after two weeks is refreshing and manly!" He grinned ear to ear as if he sounded like the coolest pop star.

"Yeah, let's skip you! Rubber doesn't smell anyways..."

Next in the list is nami.

"Nami,nami, how do you make someone bath Themselves!?"

Nami looks at me up and down with a worried look " honey leave zoro he'l be stinky for the rest of his life... I feel bad for you."
She sighed and put a hand on her cheek wondering how to make zoro bath.

" yesssssss y|n swannnnn pleaSe leave him!" I slap Sanji away in a hurry not trying to waste my time.

"What do you think robin?" She sited under an umbrella as she sipped her freshly made lemonade with grace.

"Ummm am not an expert in that area but you should probably let him be or fine a tempting way to drag him into the shower, a way he won't refuse! How about a reward?" She smirk sipping her lemonade.

"A tempting way? Ummmm, interesting. But how?"

"Ummm maybe a kiss for a reward!" Chopper pup on onto the conversation looking all cute, making me instantly hug him, he's so fluffy.

"Oh my you naughty chopper~" I squeezed the life out of him.

"But chopper is not wrong a kiss might do it!" Nami followed as robin nob in response.

" ah, we'll I don't think that seems as tempting..."

"It will, just try it out!!" Robin added

I tilted my head to the side, wondering if that will really work?

And then and their I smelled a different kind of stench, he was right their infront of me looking as if he was to fight. "Y/n?"
I smile recklessly "yes?"
"What are you doing standing their looking like a patato-" he slightly laughs, everybody turns their heads to look at zoro then at me.
"Didn't we agree on sparing? I thought you wanted to practice your moves-?"

I look around seeing all eyes on me pleading with their eyes to make zoro bath. Sanji pointed his finger at zoro then wave his hand in the air and cover his nose immediately. A lil tear falls from his eye as he gives me a thumbs up giving me the messenge 'you can-do it' kinda face. Chopper smiled and gave a thumbs up, ussop just looked confused, robin just smile sipping her drink while waiving her left hand around the air and Nami-

"Zoro you stink!" She slap him hard almost making go fly. I just smiled through the pain.

"Zoro why don't you just bath..." I sighed heavily. He flinch as he heard this " y/n Asians don't smell"
"Is that your excuse for not bathing?"
"No it's because I want to be manly it's refreshing."
"Yeah it's refreshing! It's refreshing!"Luffy pop in from a corner yelling at full speed.
At that moment something deep inside snap like a popsicle smashed and shatter onto the ground. I took deep breaths in and out.
And thought carefully about my words.
Suddenly chopper slightly tug my skirt. "Y/n, are you k you seem stressed" his cute eyes pop ou like sunshine's. I grind ear to ear and pinch his soft cheek.
"Yes chopper I'll just have to discipline my dear old stinky grampa boy friend." Luffy and zoro who were previously celebrating, on god knows what, turn their heads to me.

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