Chap 10

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The wind blew harder than any other day it wasn't-particularly cold or hot it was just a nice weather... it has Been moth sense we left Vivi in alabasta, Aldo I do worry on her country's conditions I hope at the end it all ends well!
And ofcourse me and zoro are still together, I won't lie I thought being in a relationship was easy but that simply inst true! It's difficult dealing with him sometimes  but at the end I think we can support each other as much, we can love and regain ourselves.

And what about me? Y/n? Ah we'll everyone is so bussy I mean they all have dreams but I feel like mine inst that great. My dream was to gain freedom and recognize from others but that's already accomplished! Now am just here sitting down on the wooden hard floor watching Luffy look at the sea and clap with his hand... it's just boring waiting for a new adventure to come!

And my dear boyfriend is only practicing every day, well of course he's training to persuade what he loves but...come on!!! We haven't kiss or hug for exactly a month!!
But who am I to judge,I can't grow greedy and he's...he's just a dumbass. I mean zoro is zoro and there's nothing I can't do about it. So I just cry in pain laying down on the floor.

"Aaaaah~ my sweeeet  mademoiselle!" I look up to see Sanji holdings cake on his hand with a card?
I sprung backup " uh? What's this?"

Sanji sniff drastically "my poor angel, the woman of my dreams!- I have cooked you this cake because you simply are to miserable!" He lay the cake next to me and hand me the card.

"Ah come on am not that miserable it's just am letting the man be! I mean I can't drag him and say 'oh shushi babe plsuuu kish meahhh!' That's so cringe!" I gag.

Sanji laugh "that card." He pointed at my hands "was sent by Ross directly for you!" My eyes widen its been so long sense she sent a personal card to me it's so happpy!!!

I lay the card next to my cake and grab Sanji hand "aaaaah thank you so much Sanji, your the best!"

"No problem my darlin- ahh-" before he could speak anymore a flying sword came knocking at his head. It was indeed zoros.

"This mother f**ker about to have no dinner serve!" Sanji cursed nonstop while caressing his head. It must hurt badly by the looks of it zoro will really not get dinner tonight not even a bite or crumb...

"I could careless, I been in worse situations before. Eating for one day is nothing!" Zoro pop up, from the nest of the ship. After all he's the ships watcher,so he must lay high meaning he hears everything. And of course that's why he's glaring at me madly. I didn't stop Sanji flirting

"Oh really!?!? What about two days?"

"It's nothing!"

"Ahaha 4 days, YOU STYNKY MARIMO?"

"it's nothing! Say that again and I'll cut you in half!"

"Oh but you are! A whole moth should resolve then,sense your so strong!" Sanji s eyes were on fire, they are negotiating a challenge for no reason out of nowhere.

"Are you putting me on your level?"

"Hey zoro sush it!" This will get worse I can let zoro die. He's such an idiot.

"Y/n swam I'll show you how much of a jerk, hypocrite, and ignorant he is!" He pointed his finger at zoro.

"No please don't show me-" I took my cake and card in a hurry because there's going to be a battle in this realm and as much as I love zoro I cannot stop such a fight.

"You bet you f**king ratatouille!" Zoro spit in the nest and glare at the cook intensely.

"My only hope.
My sanity
The strongest pirate lu-"

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