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His warm lips touch mine as we both stare in a mixed of emotions.Our gazes trap in each other didn't let us move an inch.people around us start to gather,gossiped and presumptions search our ears.I quickly push him off and looked around the area only to see luffy staring down at me,mouth wide open. I look back at zoro to him embarrassed,his face red completely .

How could this happen?

"Both of you I'll kill you." Zoro however wasn't the only one embarrassed I was enraged to the core,full fleshly red.

Zoro cover his mouth " dare you woman!?"he stood up and quickly draw his sword.

"Disgusting? I should say your lips are so dry they beat the dessert!disgusting!" I rub my lips and spit the ground only to hear zoro cursing me more with his glares.

"Oooh!you guys kiss!" Luffy putted pointing at us "ehehe are you guys dating?dating!" He continued to clap as the crowd murmured.

We both look at Luffy and repeated at the same time "shut up!your the cause of this!!!"
He putted again and laugh loudly.

"Hey,what's wrong with your captain-" before I could speak any more words i yet again felt a cold harsh sword pointing at my neck ready to kill me.

For a slight distraction I have forgotten kindness is always forgotten and is repaid by evilness. Now days people cannot be kind fully,others will come to satisfy themselves from that 'kindness'. I sigh and side eye zoro again,he's enraged, I look at Luffy who's confused still whistling.

"I'll let you guys go." I looked at the ground "however,my reputation here is ruined because of you! So pay up." I then looked around seeing the mercenaries and hunters giving me a disgusting look. My only hope now is to not get harassed in this place,the only one by my side was Ross.

"Kill her,shes worth nothing!the town will payed you tones!" A person yelled across the crowd,other mercenaries that I beat up said the same but I remained calm because mom said am special and I must not get angry.
If I couse anymore ruckus in town I'll be kick out of this island.I'll have to pay for the damages of the fight,and I only just reside my pay today.Am honestly tired how I wish I wasn't hated for such a simple reason,anything I do counts until the day I drop dead and now even on my birthday... All because I belong to that family.
I bites my lip harshly that blood drip out,my eyes lays lifeless to the ground.

"Am just so tired of this...Today is my birthday the day my mom died trying to get me a cake in the harsh cold winter season.But I, I didn't wish for a cake that day I wish for my moms health to improve,for people in town to realize were actually people and not monsters.To have a happy life,to forget things that happened about my family...but today you choose the wrong day.Yes am complaining,what's so wrong about that? I don't even feel like fighting you guys." Everybody stood there silent.

"Tech* I think is about time you get out this island." A hunter called out. "That's right your family killed many on this island,it's time for you to head out already!" Another hunter called out my eyes widen and my fist clench ready to trow a pouch.

"Listen,we're not trying to be rude here but your family has only brought us mesary,pirates come to this island To look for the so called treasure they left.burning down our town,attacking people for no reason,stealing our food...AND on top of that your family killed the people in this island that were completely innocent!" I looked up to see the man who spoke such words,I glare at the man as we made eye contact.

"Shut up!shut up you imbecile." Zoro lower his sword and glared at the man.Luffy without no hesitation trew a pouch at the men sending him off flying.the others flinch and other people yelled get out!

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