My mind wonders

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My mind wonders in many thoughts, in what 'if's',in what I wish to tell him,and how would this relationship work?
We know each other only for a couple of months,could a person fall in love so easily?
Is it possible?
I have only been ignoring him the last few days of our recovery,either helping Sanji in the kitchen,drawing maps with nami,helping chopper or playing with Luffy and ussop...
But ofcourse my ignorance won't be long lasting,I'll have to somewhat confront the situation I created.

"Y/n?" Sanji tap my shoulder "are you alright?I been calling your name a few times but you don't answer..." the cook waited for a response but i only intrigued myself with bad thoughts.

"SAnji...Have you ever love someone?" I past the eggs to Sanji as he took them "no,not really.Do you like someone?" I flinch and almost drop the vegetables Sanji hold my wrist in a hurry so I could regain composition.

"M-me...I don't really know.Am trying to figure out if it's love or compassion and gratitude." He's eyes widen and stared at me for a couple of seconds.
He suddenly smiled and chuckle a little "ahaahaha! Is difficult loving someone...but really I never been in love before.The only suggestion I can give you is that the only one who knows the answer is you!When you like someone you do so many unexpected things,that you don't realize how you only do those unexpected things when you're around that person."

"I-I see..."silence lay in the room....

"That's all I can say but y/n swammmmm don't leave me!give me all of your love not to a moron!y/n swammmm" Sanji but the vegetables somewhere else and grab my hands with eye hearts on his eyes.

"Thank you Sanji!I feel like your a girl best friend I could never have!" I smiled back

'Y/n swammm *tears mentally* see me as a man please...'

"Sanji..." me and Sanji turn around to the voice that echoed the kitchen,it was zoro.

"Oh-Marimo,what brings you to my royal garden?" Sanji let go of my hands and step in front of me.

"Ah- sorry was I interrupting something I'll go but Luffy says he's really hungry!"
With that zoro left and i couldn't even utter a word.Sense Sanji cover me I couldn't see his face but by the sound of his voice,it sounded if nothing happened.

"Y/n swam!could you bring that moron of captain some fruits while the real meal is ready?" He smirk and I nob.

He quickly chop some fruits and but them on a bowl and it handed to me. "Thank you y/n swam but I think you have help me enough already in the kitchen.Go do something else after all today's our last day here!"

"But Sanji-"

"No buts! Won't you do it for your princeee mmmm?"


'He's flirting can get sometimes out of hand I better go before he starts teasing me.'

And with that I left in a hurry to-give Luffy his meal- more like a snack to him?
I open the door to our room to see zoro standing next to Luffy chatting of what no.I froze in place as I made eye contact with zoro,I try to smile and looked like nothing is happening,nothing happened,and it will never be.

"Luffy!Here some snacks!" I put the 'snacks' on Luffys bed and without a second,not even a fruit was left on the plate.


"Are you a magician or something!?" Zoro yelled.

Bang* everybody turn there attention to the person who slammed the door "i here the captains awake!"
'Oh crap that guy is into real that?wait ain't he dead!?'

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