Can youlove again?

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"Aaaah~ so that's how you and zoro met!" The reindeer's eye lighten in joy "so cool!Zoro is so cool!!!" I patted the reindeer lightly as he closes his eyes.

"So that's why he's writing a letter!" I nob in response.

"Yes,inst it quite unexpected?I thought that day that my life have no meaning.But when he said I have value he sounded to cliche!!!" I laugh out laugh as chopper slowly handed me a pill for my recovery.

You may ask why my recovery?
Well we were in a heavy fight just about 2 days ago.We are now recovering at a fast pace thanks to choppers amazing nursing's skills.But I do have to say I wish Vivi to come with us,but it is difficult choosing between her duties as a princess or to join us,the straw hats.
This fight should not be forgotten,even if the people don't know the truth they are some who truly know what happened.

And surely about right now zoro must send a letter to Ross.Am not allow to utter a word because I won't be truthful to her, and she knows it! Me and zoro ever sense have been constantly together and looking for each other but nothing more.Not to mention a couple of fights here and there...everything else is okay,I guess...
Aldo right about now he should be cursing me out I got hurt badly and he yelled none stop until my ears bleed in the middle of a total war.

I rapidly swoll the pill and drank water along with it.
"Y/n" chopper claimed up to the bed with the help of chair.
"Mm?" He unexpectedly lean closed to me and hug me warmly.

"I just want you to know that back then and now you are an amazing person!You didn't give yourself value back then but I hope you have realized now how much your worth inside out!even when we meet you didn't call me a monster but instead 'what a cute little reindeer!' Thank you!" Chopper hug me as tightly as he could with his tiny body.

"Chopper..." I hug chopper back and caressed his ears and fur.
'His so warm and fluffy!!!'
I gave chopper a light kiss on the forehead "no need!You to have realized your worth have you!?" Chopper smiled and nob,I smiled back and ruffled his head...

'He's so precious! I wanna steal him!'

"Y/n!!! I heard you have woken up from your slumber! I told you that Ross told me for you not to get hurt!y-"

'But there's someone that's not precious and I don't want to steal.'

"Ronoroa zoro" I pointed my finger towards him "am not a normal girl,I think you should worried about yourself not me!" I smirk, he gave me a disgusting look and came sprinting at me.

"Can you not see we're worried about you,me and Ross!"

"And am telling you am strong and that am fine!should I fix your ear,no wait better in the 10minutes we were supposed to look for the boom in the city.and you know we're you went?lost,lost in the middle of nowhere and out of the city! No sense of direction." He pinch my ear .

"Hey-" he grad my cheek and stretch it harshly " what was that-"

Before zoro could complain to me any further Sanji slap his hand.

"You Marino!thats no way to greeted or treated a lady!!" Zoro hissed in pain.
"You dang  cook,this is none your business!"
"What was that?as her crew made it is."
They both glared at each other and prepare to fight.

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