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"Are you finish?" I stare at the green hair man who have his plate completely empty
"You sure like sweets." He whispered. "Yes am finish we should head back quickly my crew might be looking for me." I nob and stood up making my way down the mountain as he followed behind.
'Wait!?didn't this man get lost!? when as soon as you arrived in the harbor you just have to cross the bridge and walk straight head!...this this man dumb!?' I facepalm myself an look behind me.
Thank god he's At least behind me an not lost.The man gave me a confused look on why we have stop "hey!what's your name?"

"Zoro..." I stood out my hand "take my hand,that way you won't loose yourself!" He flinch.
"I know I don't have good sense of direction!but it's not like you can treat me like a dog!you dang woman!"he yelled loudly and whispered the last part.

"Ah,I see then you may get lost!Dogs can't get back home because 'they don't have a good sense of direction' unlikely kittens that can go back home or not?it's up to there choice." He glared and cursed at me and spit the ground as I took off.
'Shit I didn't mean it like that was I to sassy?god so embarrassing I should try expressing myself gently.'

Suddenly I felt a hand grab mines,i look behind to see zoro huffing an puffy with a slight blush on his cheek.

"You'll pay for this!now show me the way to town!" I grip his hand an smile "mm what a nice zoro we have here~"he clench his teeth and looked the other way while I drag him hand by hand down the mountain.

Everybody knew that around this time of the year is a special day for me...but the stares and eyes looking me up an down,while I held zoros hand we're extremely uncomfortable.

"Hey...we're is your crew?" I stop walking and look at zoro "my crew? Let's see nami must be shopping and luffy eating ..." he's eyes wonder trying to think "is there any restaurant near the harbor that sales a lot of meat?"

"Yes..."i yanked my hand of his "sorry I can hold your hand anymore am a famous hunter in this town that's known for her cruelty so am obligated to such dominance.if I don't want to get attacked that is!" I sigh

"Is not like am going to get loss.we arrived to town so their other people that can help me and not by taking my hand." I flinch and looked away glaring at nothingness "do whatever you want!"

'Look at him all confident 'is not like am going to get lost.' Who says that when awhile ago he got lost in the forest at the peak of a mountain!?'

I walked off zoro following my footsteps. "Hey,hey wait for me!"

Arriving at the restaurant

"It's here! I walked in zoro following behind.The dead stares of the people in town were like stabs that slowly cut you.While the people that visited the island only talk and eat calmly. But one person in that bar attracted my eye directly to them,he looked familiar.Where have I seen him? He eat unfashionably with no manners,he's cheeks were bottled up with food and he kept offering more while piles of plates lay next to him. I mingled through my bag and found the stack of papers laying upright.I took them out and rustled through the papers.

"Y/n your in the way I need to passed..." he touch my shoulder  while I still rustled through the papers "y/n,what's wrong?" I stop rustling until I found one paper that exactly demonstrated the person I recognize.

"100,000,000 berries Monkey D. luffy..." zoro flinch and without a thought he's sword was already in my neck. "Wanted..."
I looked up at luffy while he turned around
"zoro?" Luffy gulped down he's food.
"Ah so this is what I get for helping you isn't that right Roronoa Zoro?bounty...60,000,000 berries." He gripped he's sword and pressed it more to my neck as little droplets of blood stream down.The people in the bar were all frozen,the towns people looked at me as there only hope, while others panicked and worried for me,a girl.

"Drop your things y/n"

'Couldn't this day be over or get any worse?"
I drop the papers and bag to the ground and hold my hands up. "Roronoa zoro,you can go fuck your self,your lucky I don't have my bow today!" I laugh and side eyed zoro.
"But unfortunately,am not a normal person either!" My foot when backwards and hit his balls as he hissed and cursed. I touch my finger tips and separated them slowly energy coming out of my finger tips like lightning.

"Gum gum no!" I felt something touched my shoulder and looked behind only to see luffy stretch out his hand and putting them in my shoulder. "Rocket!" I swing around and saw his body coming straight at me and with No time to think he send me almost flying but I grab on to zoros leg "eheehe I told you you'll pay for ruining my birthday!"

"Son of a b*tch!"  Luffy eyes widen and the 2 of us were sent flying while luffy just stared at the broken sealing "oh this is bad!" Luffy ran out of the restaurant as the restaurant owner yelled at him to be payed back for the food and damages.

I open my eyes,and hold on to zoros waist "let go!you inhuman thing!" He move me violently.
"You bastard!do you want me dead In the day of my birthday!?" I bite his leg as he hissed in pain.

'At this point well both die! If I don't do something quickly we'll die whenever we land!wait inst he wanted!if he drops unconscious I can quickly hand him to the Navi!'

Money symbols we're forming on my eyes. I took a breather "hey,get off me,your eyes don't show sanity..." I laugh and suddenly electricity flow through my body. I let the electricity flow outside my body creating wings on my back, electric wings to be precise.
Zoros eye widen "you eat a devil fruit!?" I shook my head.
"It's an ability that flows through my family's generation by generation.That's why in town people are afraid of us.To the point they don't care about us,even if we're dead..."
Now we have changed positions zoro hug me for his dear life while he didn't have a bit of suspicion.
"Y/n ones we get down I'll slash you down!"

"Ehehe thats if you don't get lost!" My electric wings were at full speed now and right Benif us was luffy about to attack me mid air. "Oh- no..."

"Gomu gomu no!" He's hands stretch high up and grab on to zoros leg "come here zorrrrrrrrrrrrrro!" Me and zoro were pulled back down aggressively at full speed about to hit the ground.

"Luffyyyyyyyy!!!!!!"zoro yelled scared for his life. I hug zoro for my dear life because I knew I was that pirate target,he might Aswell hit his partner!


"Oi! Zoro are you alright?"

No nothing is alright ! I feel something warm against my lip.I slightly open my eyes to see zoro eyes widen,his eyes tremble and that warm I felt were his lips....

———————^_^—end of chapter

This chapter was badly writing,I won't lie I write out boredom but if your reading this I sincerely apologize 🙇🏻‍♀️ if the story gets more views I migh consider putting effort.
(Am still putting a lot of effort tho,so pls read next part.)
Have a nice day an night!


Luffy meal got interrupted:

Luffy meal got interrupted:

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