Flashback (00)

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It had been years since a Mikaelson had been seen in New Orleans, and a lot had changed. Klaus Mikaelson being gone meant there was a spot to be filled, King of New Orleans, to be in charge of all the factions and trying to keep the peace.

And every king needs a queen don't they?...

*Bell chimes* *Bell chimes*

"Marcel Gerard, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to cherish, to watch and protect, to have and hold trough sickness and health, good and bad, and anything this god for saken city could put you through, for as long as you both shall live".

"I do," Marcel replied.

"And do you Chloe Bennett take this man, to be your lawfully wedded husband. to love and to cherish, to watch and protect, to have and hold trough sickness and health, good and bad, and anything this god for saken city could put you through, for as long as you both shall live".

"Of course I do," Chloe replied.

"I think the Bride and Groom have chosen to write their own vows," Josh announced.

Chloe looked to Marcel, then back to Josh, "Um, we haven't," she whispered.

"Well, I got nothing written here so you guys got this," Josh whispered back.

Marcel shrugged, and took Chloe's hand, "Chloe Bennett, you've been my bestfriend, my light in the darkness, and everything anyone could ask for in a partner. From the moment I layed eyes on you I knew you were who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. And everyday, every minute, every hour, every second, I continue to fall even more deeply in love than before, and I will always continue to do so".

Chloe smilied and started to tear up, "I remember telling you that, the day you went on one knee and asked me to marry you, and here we are. Marcel you have been by my side through almost every hard decision i've gone through, you've given me a new family, home, and reason to keep going in life. You've been my protector, savior, bestfriend, and love of my life, and will continue to be so," she broke down.

"Well that was bittersweet," Josh said with a small sniffle, "Rings," he called out.

Marcel took a ring and placed it on Chloe's finger, "With this ring I thee wed," he smiled.

Chloe took a ring and placed it on Marcels finger, "With this ring I thee wed," she laughed and smiled back.

"Well by the power vested in me, by the city of New Orleans," Josh paused, "and the online course I took 2 hours ago for insurance, I now pronounce you husband and Wife, you may-" Marcel pulled Chloe to her and kissed her cutting off Josh, "continue doing what I was about to say," he said and smiled at them.

Marcel pulled away from their kiss and connected his forehead to Chloe's, "I will love you Always and Forever," he whispered.

Chloe laughed, "We get rid of the Mikaelsons and you are yet to stop quoting them".

"When you've spent as much time with someone you consider family it's hard to forget so easily, but today is   about us," he said and pulled her into another kiss.

Josh dramatically cleared his throat to catch everyone's attention, "Ladies and Gentlemen i now present to you, Mr and Mrs Marcel Gerard".

Chloe and Marcel walked hand in hand down the stairs of the compound to start their reception, "Ah a witch and a vampire, that's a new one," Chloe joked.

"A Bennett witch and Klaus Mikaelsons greatest ali at that," Marcel joked back.

"Hey where's D?" Chloe asked.

"Chlo you know she can't be out right now," he replied.

"C'mon it's our wedding day, she deserved to be here," Chloe looked out at the crowd and back to Marcel, "I'll be back," she ran back up the stairs and around to the back exit.

Chloe went up to the attic of St.Anne's, "Hey D," she said climbing up the ladder.


"Hey kid," Chloe said as she got to her feet

Davina ran to hug her, "Sorry I couldn't be there for your big day, you know-"

"I know," Chloe cut her off, "I tried talking to him, but it's no use".

Davina slightly smiled, "Hey I get it, he just wants to keep me safe".

"What if I stay up here with you".

"No, I couldn't keep you from your big day, go, you deserve this," Davina said.

Chloe kissed her forehead and walked towards the ladder to climb back down, "I love you," she added as she left.

"I love you more," Davina replied with a smile, "now go".

Chloe got back to the compound in time for her first dance, Marcel walked up to her and placed his hand out, leading her to the dance floor, "You went to see Davina didn't you," Marcel asked.

She laughed and hung her head down, "You know me too well." Chloe said. Marcel lifted her head back up, "Which is why I married you," Marcel replied as he smiled.

"Well here's to the rest of our lives," Chloe smilied.

Marcel leaned in and kissed her as they continued to sway as they danced, "To the rest of our lives".

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