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Jonas, Dr.Martin, was outside the bathroom breaking everything in sight while Elena filled Caroline in on everything, and Stefan was trying to wake up Chloe, "Who, what, when," Chloe jumped up off the bathroom floor with her face soaking wet from Stefan throwing water on her, "Woah, got up way too fast," she said dizzy and still partially slurring her words, "Who's ass am I supposed to be beating again?"

Caroline walked out the bathroom to try and help Bonnie divert Luka from finding Elena, and Matt followed behind her, "Stay right here, Clo," Stefan told Chloe as she sat on the sink counter in the bathroom trying to stay awake as Elena stood next to her.

Chloe hears Caroline start screaming from inside the bathroom and makes her way into the dinning part of the grill, "Chloe where are you going?" Elena called out as Chloe was already out the doorway.

"Caroline," Matt ran towards her to get Jonas away from her, but Jonas breaks a bottle and stabs Matt in the neck with a shard, causing Matt to fall to the floor bleeding out.

"Fo yato si," Chloe chanted from the doorway as a table exploded in front of Jonas before he was able to lay his hands on Caroline. Jonas attempts to run out the door as Chloe continues to explode everything around him.

"Ok that's enough Clo," Stefan yelled as Jonas was already out the door, but Chloe just kept on blowing things up, "CHLOE!"

"Sorry, sorry, I'm sorry".

Stefan walked over to Caroline who was crying on the floor next to Matt as ashe tried to convince him to drink blood from her wrist to keep him alive. Matt was able to get back up a couple minutes later and Stefan decided it was time for everyone to head back home, "Damn it where are my keys?" Chloe searched her pocketless outfit.

Stefan held up Chloe's keys in his hand and placed his arm around her shoulder, "Yeah, you're not driving anywhere, I'll take you gusy home".

Caroline brought Matt home and Jenna was with Alaric, so everyone else piled into Chloe's car as Stefan drove them back to Elena's house.

When they got back to the house, they were met by Jeremy and Damon in the kitchen, "If you're here where's Katherine?" Elena asked worried.

Damon shrugged his shoulders, "What the hell happened to her," Damon motioned to Chloe as Bonnie and Stefan carried her up the stairs to Elena's bed.

Stefan layed Chloe on the bed and turned to Elena's bathroom, "What the-"

"Hell," Bonnie finished his sentance and turned to see Katherine licking blood off her lips and Jonas lying dead on the bathroom tile.

Stefan walked up to the bathroom door and picked up Jonas dragging him out the room, "C'mon Kath, you didn't have to kill him".

"He tried to kill me first, well he tried to Elena".

Jonas's body went rolling down the stairs as Bonnie and Stefan followed behind, "Stefan why is there a dead body in my house," Elena stirred towards the front door.

"That would be my bad," Katherine walked down the staircase and walked over Jonas's body lying on the floor.

"How did you?"

"All her idea," Damon called out from the kitchen.

Elena sighed heavily and took one of her necklaces from Katherine's neck, "Can someone get her out of here before Jenna gets back".

"That's it not a thankyou or anything?" Katherine scoffed, "I'm not looking for a hug or anything, but if we're gonna be working together, just know I'm not a threat to you," Katherine walked out the door and Stefan gave Elena a kiss on the cheek before grabbing Jonas's arms as Damon came up and grabbed his legs as they carried him out of the house.

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