Just dont kill each other

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Chloe woke up to the sound of Stefan and Damon arguing downstairs, before Stefan came up to her room and peaked his head in the door, "Chlo, do you know where Elena is?"

"Stef why can't your girlfriend ever just sit still and look pretty," she rolled over

"Just let me know is she texts you, Elijah's gone and I think he's with her" Stefan left her room.

Chloe sat up in her bed and rubbed her eyes, "Great now i'm up," she groaned.

Chloe got dressed and headed downstairs to Damon and Stefan in the parlor, "Any word from her yet".

"If we're talking about Elena, then yes. She's with Elijah and just hung up on Stefan," Damon answered.

Chloe sits on the couch next to Stefan, "First Klaus tried to kill my sister, Ric's still not awake, and now Elenas' lost it. Great".

"You're sister may be the solution to this problem".

"Damon i'm not putting Bonnie back into the line of fire, you saw what happened," Chloe protested.

"Oh relax Chlo, she's not gonna be fighting Klaus. She'll just be a distraction because he thinks she's dead. Element of suprise," he argued back.

Chloe began to get noticeably upset as Stefan could tell, "Ok Damon maybe just back off," he attempted to deescalate the conversation.

Damon got off the couch to leave the room, "Fine, fine we'll make another plan".

"I gotta go," Stefan got up in a hurry, "Jenna's having an Alaric problem".

Chloe followed behind Stefan walking out to her car, "We'll finish this later," she turned to Damon before walking out the door.


Chloe got in her car and drove to an abandoned witches house 1 hour away from the center of Mystic Falls.

She walked up to the doorway and removed the magic entrancement she placed on it and walked inside, "Bonnie. Jeremy," she called out.

She found them in a room in the back playing cards as she carefully walked towards her younger sister, "How ya feeling Bon," she went and pulled her into a tight hug.

"I'm ok, I would be better if I could leave this place," Bonnie responded as she pulled away from her sister.

"I told you Bonnie, all you have to do is agree to stay away from Klaus," Jeremy cut in.

"And if I don't".

"Then you stay here until Klaus isn't a problem anymore," her sister entered back into the conversation.

"You can't keep me here," Bonnie ran making an attempt at the open front door.

Chloe shut the door using her powers before Bonnie could leave. The younger sister tugged and rattled the door handle in an attempt to open it, but her sister had already placed her containment spell back on the house, "Don't test me Bonnie, this is for your own safety," Chloe walked right past her younger sister and stood outside the door.

Bonnie attempted to walk outside but was still unable to cross the invisible barrier, "CHLOE!" she yelled as her sister walked back to her car, "YOU CAN'T DO THIS"!

Bonnie continued to tell as her sister drove away until she couldn't do it anymore. Jeremy went and held onto Bonnie, walking her over to the couch to calm her down.

"Bonnie you have to relax, let your sister handle this, it's what you called her here for," Jeremy reassured.

"She can kill Klaus, but she's gonna need a kind of help that the salvatore's can't give her. Now cmon this is a Bennett containment spell, which means I can break it with the right counterpart".

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