First Impressions

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Jeremy and Bonnie helped Chloe outside to the car, Damon's no longer out there but he wasn't much use to them anyways so they didn't mind.

"But what were the witches chanting about," Jeremy asked as they walked down the porch steps.

"It was a warning," Chloe weakly got out, "With great power comes great responsibility right?" she chuckled.

Jeremy opened the car doors for the sisters as they climbed in the car, "Just exactly how much power can you draw from 100 dead witches".

"A lot," Bonnie answered as she looked back at Chloe who was asleep in the backseat.

Bonnie worried for her sister, she knew her emotions. had been high lately and emotions mixed with that kind of power that she possessed now wasn't a good idea.

"I'm worried about her," Bonnie whispered to Jeremy.

"You're worried about Chloe? Have you met your sister, she's gonna be fine," he reassured.

Bonnie turned and leaned against the window, "I hope you're right".

Jeremy drove Bonnie and Chloe back home before heading back to his own house.

Bonnie walked Chloe up to her bedroom and watched her drift off to sleep before she left.

The next day

Chloe was very chipper, much more alert and bright than usual, "Hey Bon," she jumped across the handrail.

"What got into you," Bonnie smiled seeing her sisters happiness.

"I don't know, maybe all I needed was a good nights sleep, now come on" Chloe grabbed Bonnies car keys off the table by the door, "Elena's said to meet her at the mansion".

Chloe left as Bonnie followed out behind her, still a bit concerned on where this chipper mood came from.

The sisters got to the mansion and knocked on the door, "It's open," Elena called from inside.

The girls walked in and saw Elena sitting with a lawyer and signing a bunch of papers, "Uh what's going on?" Chloe asked.

"I am now the sole owner of the Salvatore Mansion, that means i'm the only one that can invite certain types of people inside".

"Your own personal safe house," Bonnie cut in.

"That's what they say," Elena hesitated.

The lawyer took the papers and walked out as Stefan and Damon tried to come inside, but we're pushed back by an invisible barrier, "Sorry guys," Elena laughed.

"Stefan," she batted her eyes, "Would you like to come inside my house," she flirted.

Stefan happily obliged and stepped through the doorway as Damon crossed him arms and rolled his eyes.

"Ahem," Damon cleared his throat making sure no one forgot about him, "What are we twelve".

"I mean..." Chloe's voice trailed off at Damon's question.

"One of us is," Elena snickered and invited Damon inside.

Bonnie left the living room to get Elenas backpack as she came back and they headed for the door, "Where exactly are you two going?" Chloe asked, stopping Elena and Bonnie in their tracks.

"Uh to school," Bonnie answered.

Damon sped in front of them as they made another attempt for the door, "No, no we didn't make a safe house for you to leave it".

"Exactly, Klaus is out there looking for you Elena," Stefan chimed in.

"I'm not gonna get kidnapped by Klaus in broad daylight," Elena argued.

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