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They didn't have days, weeks or months to figure out what Klaus was doing in Mystic Falls, or why Elijah was following after him.

"Chloe why do I feel like you're not telling us something?" Elena remarked.

Bonnie looked at Chloe then Elena, shocked to the fact that she would say something like that after Chloe came all this was strictly to save her, "Elena , what are you talking about,".

"I'm just saying, she comes in here with information that she what, just randomly learned in a day? She came here saying she knows all about Klaus and Elijah yet hasn't actually told us anything helpful," Elena ranted.

Damon turned to Elena, "Ok that's enough," he said before Elena could say anything else.

"No Damon, it's ok, cause I came here trying to save a life, her life in fact, but if the only non supernatural being in this room thinks she can protect herself better than I can, then so damn be it," Chloe got up as she stormed out the door and slammed it behind her going to her car.

Elena had turned the tables, she brought back feelings that Chloe thought she buried deep enough all those years ago that led her to leave Mystic Falls in the first place.

A feeling of discomfort, betrayal, a feeling that even with your gift you still couldn't help the people you loved, the same feeling Bonnie felt when her grams died.

Chloe got to her car slammed the door, placing  her head against the steering wheel.

I left my perfect life, for a bunch of kids who won't listen to me. What am I doing to my self.


A tear fell in Chloe's lap as she sat up answering her phone, "Who is this?" she answered teary eyed and sniffling.

"Chlo why are you crying," a familiar voice sounded.

"D? How did you..?" Chloe wiped her tears and stiffened her voice.

"I asked Marcel if Josh could come over, he said no and I snuck him in anyway to use his phone, but why do you sound so upset?" Davina asked.

"It's nothing D, nothing you should be worried about, im about to catch the next flight home in a couple hours, look after Marcel till i get there," Chloe removed her phone from her ear about to hang up.

"I love you Chloe," Davina got out before Chloe hung up.

Chloe placed her phone back to her ear, "I love you more Claire, I'll see you soon," Chloe hung up the phone and drove back to the Salvatores to pack her bags.

(Back in Elena's house)
Damon listened in on Chloe's phone call in her car "Damn it she's leaving," he said as he raced out the door.


Damon got back to his home and walked into Chloe's room as he watched her pack her bags, really she was just angrily throwing clothes in a bag but Chloe seemed to think it was packing, "Bennett what are you doing," Damon said as he picked her clothes out of her bag holding up a pair of her underwear.

Chloe snatched the underwear from Damon's hand and threw everything back in her bag, "I'm leaving Damon, i'm going home to my husband where I can feel needed," she gruffed.

"You're leaving because of one thing Elena said, really? The big bad bennett which was offended by a Gilbert?" Damon retorted

"Silentium," Chloe said as she turned to Damon and mimicked a closing mouth with her hand.

Damon tried speaking but every time he mouthed something no words came out, just silence, "Oh i'm sorry what was that," Chloe put her hand up to her ear and went back to packing.

Damon left the room to go get a notebook to write out sentences to Chloe, but was met by Bonnie while walking down the stairs, "Where is she Damon?," Bonnie asked.

Damon mouthed a bunch of words and pointed his fingers at his mouth.

"Ok what the hell is wrong with you," Bonnie promptly reacted as Damon started aggressively humming and pointing at his mouth again, "Oh you pissed of Chloe, ok, loqui," she said as Damon started forming words again.

"Oh she is going to pay for that one" Damon started as he ran back up the stairs to get back to Chloes room and Bonnie followed behind him.

Damon got back into Chloe's room and got back to ranting about how she can't leave, but Bonnie just stood in the doorway staring at her sister, "What are you doing," Bonnie interrupted Damon's rant.


"You're leaving," Bonnie walked into the room.

"Bonnie," Damon started, "DAMON, out!" Bonnie cut him off.

Damon walked out the room as Bonnie walked up to Chloe's bed, "I can't stay here Bon, you guys clearly don't need me," Chloe said as she closed her bag.

"I need you Chlo, I asked you to come here because I needed my sister. You received a call asking for a simple favor from your younger sister, that's all I asked of you, that all I NEEDED of you" Bonnies voice stated to raise.

"SIMPLE? You think this is simple, what about running off a Mikaelson sounded simple to you?" Chloe snapped. 

"I haven't seen my sister in YEARS CHLOE, so i'm sorry if I get a little pissed off that you won't stick around for a couple of weeks, if not for Elena then for me," Bonnie turned away and walked towards the door.

"Vis sera portus," Chloe chanted as the door slammed shut, "Bonnie Sheila Bennett, you cannot just say something like that then walk away from me, you said that like I just decided to get up one day and leave you".

Bonnie turned back around to Chloe, "BUT YOU DID CHLO, you left me, you left me behind for New Orleans, for Marcel, for a new life, you couldn't have you're younger sister dragging you down could you " Bonnie said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Bonnie that's not fair, you were 12, i was 22 I couldn't wait around for you i needed to start my life, I fell in love, a type of love that I hope everyone finds one day, and I was able to go with the man I love where I was able to be myself and use the gift I was given," Chloe wiped the tears that were dropping from her eyes.

Chloe walked up to Bonnie and wrapped her arms around her, placing Bonnies head to her shoulder, "I never wanted to make you feel abandoned or left behind Bon, I love you more than anyone, and I made a promise to help my sister so will stay until I know you, Elena, and everyone else are safe," Chloe kissed Bonnie's forehead and removed the spell from the door.

"Why don't you stay here tonight, Damon and Stefan won't mind and I'll take you to school in the morning," Chloe wiped the rest of Bonnie's tears from her face and sent her out the door to the room next to her.

Chloe gave Bonnie a set of clothes and stayed in her room with her until she fully settled down and was able to close her eyes, then she went down to the parlor.

Chloe walked in on Stefan and Damon sitting by the fire place having a drink, "Hey, Bonnie's crashing upstairs for the night I wanted to give her some time to settle down," she told them.

"Are you ok?" Stefan lowered the book he had been into his lap and turned to Chloe.

"Yeah no i'm fine, I'll see you guys in the morning, we have a lot of work to get done," Chloe walked back up to her room and unpacked all her things before falling back onto her bed a turning in for the night.

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