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The next morning there's a knock on the door of the Gilbert house, everyone else was still asleep, but achole had always been a morning person so she got up to answer it.

"Hey Chloe," Stefan said as he stood next to Damon in the doorway.

"Hey guys, what's going on," she asked.

"We thought you may want to join us in taking a little visit to see Katherine," Damon responded.

Chloe got dressed and agreed to go with them heading back out the door.

"Hey where's Chloe?" Elena asked groggily as she rolled over back into bed.

"She's probably with stefan and damon, go back to bed," Caroline responded.

Damon and Stefan lead Chloe down the stairs to the tomb and start to remove the stone door to the tombs entrance. Katherine starts walking towards the newly opened doorway, but stops right where the door was, unable to leave.

"Please come in, there's plenty of room for all of us," Katherine commented, sounding weak.

Katherine and Damon traded insults for a couple minutes making Chloe butt in, "Ok enough," she stated.

Katherine moved so she could see around Damon to see who was behind the voice she just heard, "Now if it isn't Chloe Bennett," Katherine smirked and Stefan gave her that, how do you know her look, "Please I've been running from Klaus for 500 years you think i've never been to New Orleans?" Katherine shot back to Stefans weary look.

"So why are you here, you didn't come here to look at a pretty face," Katherine asked.

"We're here for the moonstone," Stefan responded.

"Feel like tossing it over?" Damon added in.

Katherine thought about it, "How about you get that pretty witch of yours to hocus-pocus me out of here and you can get the stone," she said, presenting an ultimatum.

"Oh but you liked it on here, safe away from Klaus," Stefan teased.

"She's hungry brother," Damon commented.

"You get me some blood. And get me out of here. I'll give you the moonstone and leave Mystic Falls forever, let me know when you decide," Katherine responded walking back into the depths of the tomb.


Damon, Stefan, and Chloe head back to Elena's house as they knock on the door.

"Hey we need to talk," Stefan said as the door opened.

"About?" Elena responded.

"We went to see Katherine," Chloe commented

Elena moved out the doorway allowing them into the house as they went into the kitchen, Caroline and Bonnie had gone to school so it was just them and Elena.

They told Elena about Katherines offer, and how she would give them the moonstone for her freedom, "You don't believe her, do you?" Elena asked.

"No of course not, we just want the damn stone," Damon responded.

Chloe added in, "If we can get the stone Bonnie and I can release the spell that Klaus need from the stone, therefore making the stone useless".

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