Mystic Falls

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"Bon what do you mean you need me to come to Mystic falls?" Chloe asked.

Bonnie took a deep sigh, "We have a problem that requires a certain level or experience," she replied.

"Ok Bonnie, you're asking me to leave a lot behind right now so i'm gonna need a little more than that," Chloe replied.

"Ok listen," Damon took Bonnies phone and started talking to Chloe.

Chloe told Damon to give her sister her phone back, but he refused, saying she wasn't getting to the point fast enough.

"Klaus Mikaelson is on his way to Mystic Falls to break this sun or moon curse, whatever that is, and his brother is after Elena, and he's basically trying to seduce Caroline and get bonnie to do a magical evil ritual for him, was that enough for you Chloe," Damon sped through.

Chloe really thought about all her options here,

do I really want to leave my husband go risk my life against the Mikaelsons?

But the thought of her sister being in danger overpowered any thoughts of reluctance she had against going back home to Mystic falls, "Ok, I'll be there by tomorrow morning," Chloe told Damon before hanging up the phone.

Davina looked scared, "What was that about," she asked.

"I'm sorry D, I gotta go, if Marcel asks where I am, please, don't tell him," Chloe begged of her. She kissed Davinas cheek as she told Davina to hurry back to the church, then went to pack back her bags.

She was about to leave out the door, when she felt a moment of regret, not for going to help her sister, but for leaving her husband without saying goodbye. She simply couldn't say goodbye because she knew Marcel would rather lock her in a cell then allow her to go face off against a Mikaelson.

Chloe sat her desk and took a pen and a sheet of paper out the drawer.

I'm sorry my love,
I wish things didn't have to go this way, I wish I could say goodbye, and say i'll see you again soon, but I don't know if I will, or if i'll even make it back
at all. You know I would do anything for my sister and when she needs me i'll never refuse her. Look after Davina for me, make sure she always knows her worth and knows that she has a place in this world, even if she hasn't found it yet. I love you more than anything and being with you has been the greatest aspect of my life. Please, don't come looking  for me, it'll only make things worse, watch after New Orleans for me, i'll be back as soon as I can.



She folded the note and left it on the desk placing her wedding ring on top of it, then wrote another note next to the ring saying, i'll be back for this too.

Chloe grabbed her suitcase, called a taxi and went straight to the airport.

Chloe ran to the flight attendant desk, "Yes hi, what's the fastest flight out of New Orleans to Virginia, Mystic falls?" she asked.

"I can get you out of here on the next flight tomorrow morning at 6am," the attendant answered.

I can't leave in the morning, if I don't leave tonight Marcel will definitely stop me from leaving.

"Ok but you don't understand I need to leave tonight," Chloe commented in a panicked state.

The attendant looked searched her computer for a couple minutes before looking back up, "We have a flight leaving out tonight, but it's boarding in 10 minutes you won't make it," she responded.

"Get me on that flight," Chloe demanded.

The attendant started to search up the flight and print a ticket for Chloe, "I can give you this ticket but you'll never make it in time".

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