Chapter Five: Breaking Bonds, Waving Wands, and Avoiding Scones.

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[Chapter Five: Breaking Bonds, Waving Wands, and Avoiding Scones. Edited.]

Dropping to my knees, I pulled the House-Elf into my arms and squeezed him tighter than ever. He squeezed me back, just as firm. I wanted to sob on his shoulder. I wanted the hug to last forever. But it was never about what I wanted, so I didn't.

"I've missed you, Dobby."

"Miss has been gone for hours and hours."

"I don't know how to come home, Dobby. I don't think they'll let me."

"Miss should never come home!" Dobby said, breaking the hug and looking strict. "Dobby said Miss would go to Hogwarts and be free. And free Miss is!"

"I don't want to leave you, Dobby... Is Father treating you okay?"

"Master is very angry with Dobby. Master is breaking things..."

"Has he hurt you?"

Dobby nodded, his big ears flapped, and he showed me his bandaged hands.

"Master made Dobby iron Dobby's fingers."

"Oh Dobby," I took one of his hands in mine, with great care, and pressed my lips against it.

"Dobby is better now!" He beamed and I gave a sad little laugh.

It was a running joke we had. Every time one of us would be injured by my father or because of my father, we'd kiss the wounds and pretend they were healed. I didn't remember when it started, but Dobby said that I once did heal him by doing it, when I was very young.

"I – I was disobedient before, Dobby," I crouched in front of my trunk and opened it, placing my fingers on the edge. "Can you close it for me?"

Dobby surged forward, knocked my hands out of the way and closed the trunk.

"Miss does not need to hurt anymore! Master can not control her! Miss is a free elf!" Dobby moved forward and hugged me tight.

"I don't want to be here without you, Dobby, but you can't see me again. Not here. It's against Father's wishes and I can't have you hurting because of me, Dobby," I started crying. "I'm going to miss you."

"Miss has Dobby in here," he said, now pointing at my heart. "And Miss is here, too." Dobby now pointed at his own chest. His giant eyes were watering. "Dobby must go."


With one last hug, Dobby vanished. I climbed into my bed and tried to hold back my tears. The bed was the most comfortable thing I'd ever touched, but I would rather the cold basement if it meant Dobby wasn't alone. There were loud noises outside my door and I shut my eyes, pretending to sleep.

"Willow?" It was Hermione. "I hope you're okay. Your father didn't seem very... nice. I don't know what you grew up with... but if you ever need someone I'm here... I wish I could say that when you're not asleep... Sweet dreams..." There was movement to the bed beside me, which must have been Hermione's. "I don't think anyone likes me..." She had a shaky exhale of breath like she was crying, or trying not to cry, before she fell asleep.

I woke early the next morning, which was a necessity in my life – get the early morning chores done before anyone's awake. Hermione was still asleep. I changed and headed downstairs. As I reached the common room, I saw Harry and Ron sitting by the fireplace. I was going to walk past them and not disturb them but Harry smiled at me, "Morning."

"Oh, it's you," Ron scowled. Harry looked embarrassed. I stared at him, startled, eyes wide. His eyes, however, narrowed. "Don't try to act so innocent. You're a Malfoy – rotten to the core."

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