Chapter Eleven: A Pitch for a Witch.

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[Chapter Eleven: A Pitch for a Witch. Edited.]

It was finally the day of Quidditch. Harry looked almost sick with nerves at breakfast, and played with his food rather than eat it. He hadn't put any food on my plate, which was very unlike him. I was worried, to say the least.

"Harry you better eat something!" Ron said, buttering himself a slice of toast.

"Maybe you shouldn't in case you get nervous and puke," My words of wisdom were not appreciated; Hermione threw me a distasteful look.

"Ron's right Harry, you need to eat something," Said Hermione, deciding to ignore me.

"Good luck today, Potter." said a cold voice. I looked up to see Snape, and was so confused I missed most of what he said. "Even if it is against Slytherin." he walked off leaving the others looking as confused as I felt.

Ron shrugged, "That was weird."

"Yeah," Harry said, staring after Snape.

"Come on Harry, we gotta go!" said Fred and George together as they pulled him away.

"Help me." he mouthed, making me laugh.

"No more eating! We need to get good seats!" complained Ron, but Hermione and I weren't eating.

We walked – or rather ran – up the corridor and down the Quidditch pitch and into the stands.

Miraculously, there were seats in the front row. The three of us sat, and were soon joined by Hagrid. He waved at me, despite being half a foot away from me.

"Shhh! It's starting!" said Hermione.

"Shhh? For a game of Quidditch? You're joking —"

"Shut up!" Hermione whacked Ron across the arm.

"The quaffle is released and the game begins!" said Fred and George's friend, Lee Jordan, who was doing the commentary.

The quaffle flew left and right-up and down. I honestly had no idea what was going on. I was the only one sitting down, while everyone else stood, screaming. In all honesty, I didn't have the strength to stand. All the flying figures were moving too fast for me to really focus – except for Harry, who seemed to be doing some kind of sky work out.

Hermione looked at me, "You have no idea what's going on either?"

"Harry doesn't look right." I pointed upwards and she followed my gaze.

"Hey... what's happening with Harry up there?" said Hagrid loudly to my right. He drew everyone's attention.

"His broom is trying to buck him off." Ron explained, looking through binoculars.

"That brooms been tampered with!" Hagrid shouted. Everyone started yelling and booing.

"Gimme that!" said Hermione grabbing the binoculars off Ron. "It's Snape! He's jinxing the broom!" Hermione vanished from sight and Ron looked at me.

"What's she going to do?" He said, incredulous. "Set his robes on fire?"

With not a moment to spare, Harry's broom stopped bucking him, and he was able to swing his leg over and continue as though nothing had happened.

Hermione re-emerged a few minutes later, red-faced and looking empowered.

"You are brilliant," Ron said to her.

"I set Snape's robes on fire."

Ron's eyes went wide, "Bloody brilliant."

"Oh my god!" Lavender Brown screamed as Harry did an awkward manoeuvre, quite close to the ground. He reached out for the snitch and flipped off of his broom.

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