Chapter Ten: Night Terrors.

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[Chapter Ten: Night Terrors. Edited.]

We were sitting in the common room on the lounge by the fireplace. By 'we', I mean Hermione, Harry, and Ron. My friends – I have those. It was approaching midnight and we were almost the last ones in the room, except for a few fifth-years who were huddled in the far corner, undoubtedly trying to finish their ridiculous amounts of homework.

"So your first match is against Slytherin?" I asked through a massive yawn making the end totally unintelligible. I was sure it sounded like "So your first match is against dmjfiomsgnmtgijrin?"

Harry understood what I said, much to Hermione's astonishment.

"Yeah..." He said and trailed off into thought.

"You're going to be fine, Harry." With that, I fell off of the lounge.

"Go to bed." Hermione pulled me up, walked me the entire way upstairs and directed me towards my bed. "Oh! Quidditch through the ages! I'll give that to Harry!"

I was asleep before she walked out the door.

I blink, hardly able to see in the darkness. I'm in my bedroom – the basement. I can hear distant laughter. It's mocking, scathing.

My parents are before me, staring down at me, wands raised.

"Crucio!" is snarled in unison.

The pain is unbearable. I feel my tears rolling down my face. I hear a scream, which is coming from me. It doesn't cease. I can't breathe.

"Willow!" I awoke in a cold sweat, feeling sick. My vision was blurred, but I recognised the voice as Hermione's.

"Should we get Professor McGonagall?"

"Is she okay?"

"She looks kind of scary."

I didn't know where I was. I tried to speak but felt a lump rising in my throat.

The door opened and closed, "Girls, what's happening in here?"

"It's Willow, Annabeth!"

"Go get Professor McGonagall, Lavender. Now."

"Why was she screaming?"

"I don't know."

I was drifting between the sleep and wake. I could still hear my parents laughing.


I gasped for air.

"Girls, what's going on?" I recognised professor McGonagall's voice.

"It's Willow. Professor...I don't know what happened..."

"She was screaming...I thought she might have been having a seizure."

"Malfoy? Can you walk?"

I tried to answer but failed.


This time I heard myself screaming. I felt myself lashing around.

"Anna, could you get these girls some cocoa and back into bed?"

"Of course, Professor."

I could feel myself floating – and then nothing.

"Miss Malfoy?"

I opened my eyes. I lay in the hospital wing, in the bed overlooking the grounds. My whole body was aching.

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