Chapter Twelve: Christmas Lights are Green.

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[Chapter Twelve: Christmas Lights are Green. Edited.]

In later years, I would judge myself brutally for ignoring my friends. I didn't listen to them. I didn't talk to them. I ended up hiding away in the dark corners of the library, reading more books and studying spells.

The three of them didn't stop their efforts though. Hermione had a heartbreaking plea with me one morning before we went to breakfast – "you said you wouldn't leave if I pushed you away. It goes both ways, Willow. I'm not leaving you. Don't go home for Christmas!" – they followed me around and spoke to me at lunch and in classes, but I didn't reply. I didn't want to talk.

"Willow, can I ask you something?" We were in the common room I was staring into the depths of the fire, Hermione was next to me. She kept her voice low. "Was, the nightmare you had a few weeks ago...was it a memory?" I didn't respond, but apparently that's all she needed. "You know it isn't safe. You know what we think about it...if you go...please be safe–––"

"Ah, Miss Granger, are you staying for Christmas?" called the familiar voice of Professor McGonagall.

Hermione and I looked up. The closer you were to the ground, the more terrifying Professor McGonagall appeared.

"I'm going home, Professor."

"Thank you," She said, marking it down on her notepad.

"And you Miss Malfoy are you staying for Christmas?"

"No." The professor did a double-take.

"No?" She said incredulously. "After all we had to do to bring you here? You know I ––" she stopped mid-sentence. "Very well, Miss Malfoy." She gave me a worried look, turned away and left.

"'All they had to do to bring you here'?" Hermione raised her eyebrows, but sighed when I didn't reply.

I didn't have anything to say. I wasn't even really thinking. I didn't know what to think. I didn't know how I felt, or why I felt it. It was as though the world was spinning but I was not.

I sat with Hermione on the train home. We had our own compartment. We sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity before I spoke.

"How much does a polar bear weigh?"

"Umm...they all weigh different..."

"No! Just enough to break the ice!"

"Is that a pick-up line, Willow?"

"I don't know. I read it in a book."

The polar bear was apparently all we needed. We spoke for ages, laughing until our stomachs hurt. It was something I'd never experienced before – being close with a person made me feel better than I had when I was alone. My worries hadn't flown out the window, by any stretch, and I was not going to share them, but just talking nonsense made me feel better. It was bizarre in a way I couldn't express. I must say, it was one of the best times of my life.

Getting off the train, I embraced Hermione in a huge hug.

"Have a wonderful Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas Willow!"

We parted ways and I saw my father. He was a scary looking man. With his grey eyes and pale hair, I doubted anyone ever crossed him.

"Come along. Let's go home." He smiled a very strained smile at me.

"I can't wait!"

We arrived at Malfoy manor in a matter of seconds. My father had apparated, taking me with him. We were upstairs, a place I'd never been in for long. I felt excited. I wondered what Christmas was like outside of the basement. Did they have Christmas Eve traditions?

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