Chapter Eight: Library Etiquette Doesn't Apply to Brunettes with Bushy Hair

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[Chapter Eight: Library Etiquette Doesn't Apply to Brunettes with Bushy Hair. Edited.]

As well as my social skills being inadequate, so were my reading and writing skills. My hand was not used to the motion of writing, and I kept leaving ink blotches all over my work. Combine that with my brilliant comprehension skills and exhaustion, and you have me answering 'What are the ingredients to the spell which turns a rat into a snuffbox?' which was a mishmash of my potions essay and my transfiguration homework. In short, I spend the majority of my evening shredding parchment and throwing it into the fire.

"It's time," said Ron spookily at five minutes to midnight.

"You've got your wands?" Harry asked us. I grabbed my pocket, but I must have put it upstairs after dinner. "Go grab it then. Quick!"

Hermione was waiting for me, twirling my wand between her fingers.

"You're not going!" She spoke in an angry whisper, careful that our voices didn't travel past through the shared wall.

"Okay." I didn't need telling twice. I didn't want to go in the first place. I just sort of went along with whatever was happening.

"No! You're not –– Oh," She said foolishly. "That was easier than expected. We really should talk the idiots out of the duel too..."

I didn't answer, but I followed Hermione out of our dormitory and joined Harry and Ron who both looked really annoyed.

"You brought her with you? Bloody hell!" Ron complained.

"Don't do this! Do you know what could happen if you get caught?"

"Hermione, go away! You too, Willow! You're just as bad." said Ron irritably.

"Come on," said Harry. "We're going to be late." The pair started walking out of the room.

"You got seeker from flying illegally! You've tested your luck! Let it go, Harry!" Hermione said desperately.

"Lay off!" said Ron said, walking out of the portrait hole. We climbed out after him.

"Ouch!" said a new voice.

"Neville?" said Hermione in confusion. She hit me as she reached through the darkness. "Dammit! Lumos!" The tip of her wand illuminated the sight before us. Neville was curled up on the floor. Ron was standing on his hand (he then hopped off and stated how sorry he was.) Harry was practically pancaked against the wall. I stood right up against the portrait of the fat lady and Hermione was amongst the wreckage.

"What are you doing here?" Ron blurted out.

"I got back from the hospital wing and I couldn't remember the password."

"Come on Neville, Will. I doubt these guys are going to let us talk sense into them," said Hermione.

"Where's the Fat Lady?" Harry said in alarm.

I looked up to see an empty portrait.

"I don't want to stay here! The Bloody Baron has been past twice already!" Neville moaned.

"Come on then, but keep quiet!" hissed Harry.

Hermione looked scared, probably because of rule breaking. I felt guilty, but I wasn't sure what of. It could have been because I was breaking rules, because I'd 'double crossed' the boys, because I'd ended up trapping Hermione outside – the list was endless. I just wanted to sleep or die. Whichever was faster.

We arrived outside the trophy room and I heard a noise. Harry held out an arm in front of us.

"Children...out of beds...punishment...detention...expulsion..."

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