Chapter Thirteen: Strange Things Will Happen.

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[Chapter Thirteen: Strange Things Will Happen. Edited.]

*Draco's POV*

Flashing lights. Flashing lights. Every thought I had was green and every thought I had was going to be green. Green like her eyes or green like her death. It was blinding. Shocking. Unbearable.

She wanted me to stay back. She looked into the face of death and told me, 'it's okay, Draco. You need to live, Draco.' She was crying. She was always crying. I stood back my whole life and watched my father torture her. But she stood up. She was so tiny, so delicate, but she stood up. My father was afraid. I could feel that he was afraid. How could he be afraid of a little girl? His little girl? My sister? At the end, there, I could tell. My father was scared of her. He stood with the wand in his hand, the spell on his tongue, and he was afraid. And it wasn't of the act, he wasn't afraid to kill. He was afraid to kill her.

When Mother brought me home from school, she'd told me what my father was going to do. She told me it was because the Dark Lord had commanded it. I didn't think he'd actually do it. I had underestimated my father. My cold, heartless father. In the end, I think I was more afraid than she was.

I'd gathered all of her things in my room. Father was going to dispose of them all, but I told him I would. He seemed proud, but he didn't know I was going to hide them away and keep them. I don't know why, but maybe if her things were still here she'd wake up.

"I'd like to contradict that," He'd sneered, and he shot her with the killing curse.

"Lucius," Mother whispered, but she didn't continue. There were words she was never going to say.

"It is done." Father said, and he stood there for a few moments before he left the room.

"What are we going to do with the body?" Mother followed him, but I stayed.

"The Dark Lord says to burn her."

"Leave it to the elf."

Eight hours had passed since she had, but the memories were still clawing at my mind. I visited the basement, just to see her once more. A final time with my sister. I knew the house-elf wouldn't have done it yet, if at all. They had a bond that I would never share.

I snuck downstairs, opened the locked door and walked in. I held up a candle to light the room, but when I'd reached the spot where she had lain, she was no longer there.

"No," I gasped.

She was gone and so was her body. My heart was a stone in my chest. I just wanted to see her face, one last time, and now —–

Something moved in the darkness. I lifted the candle towards it, illuminating a pale, scared face.


"Draco," She took a step back. She was pale as a ghost, shaking. She looked terrible. She was alive.

"Am I imagining this?" She made no sound. "I'll hide you. I'll help you."

"Don't hurt me," she mumbled at me.

"I would never."

We crept up to my room and I locked the door behind us – not that it would make a difference if my parents tried to break in.

"Do you remember?" I asked her quietly. She didn't respond. "Father – he killed you... I saw... but you are still alive. You need to get out of here..." I grabbed her face and made her look me in the eye. "Willow, you're my sister, always. Promise me you will never come back here. You can never be seen by him, ever." Tears shone in my eyes, and in hers.

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