The Job

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It was a dark and stormy night at a very iconic amusement park and it was bare of anybody. At least it should be but a blonde woman dressed in red was panting, as she ran down a walkway.

We don't know what she's running from, but it must be terrifying. She stopped at her tracks and turned around to see if the something or someone was still after her.

She looked behind her to see a haunted mansion-like place standing before. She sprinted towards the mansion-like place and opened the door.

Luckily for her, that it was unlocked. Once she stepped inside, the door suddenly closed behind her, making her jump a bit.

She shook her head, before looking around the place to see if there's a place she can hide. As she took a couple of paces up the stairs, she heard a noise behind her.

She snapped her head over her shoulders and gasped to see the door completely opened and a shadowy figure outside. She turned around and was about to continue going up the stairs when her hand pushed down a part of the rail, which caused the stairs to flatten completely and the woman fall on her face.

As she attempts to pull herself up, she looked back once again to see the shadowy figure was coming closer to her. Finding her inner strength, she was able to push herself up on and got on top of the stairs, before sprinting through an opened door in front of her with the shadowy figure following after her.

The woman continued to run through the curvy hallway, until she found another opened door and went through it, before closing the door behind her. The woman rested her hands on the door and attempted to catch her much needed breath.

Suddenly, she felt a presence coming from behind her. She slowly turned around and gasped, only to sigh in relief when she realized that she was in a room full of mirrors.

She slowly walked towards a mirror and stared at her reflection, before fixing her hair a bit and smiled at her success. Not knowing that a look-alike woman was already in the room with her.

The woman's eyes trailed to the side and sees the look-alike, which made her gasp in surprise. Both women stared at each other in silence, as the lights began to flicker.

Until one light shined over the look-like, before the look-alike disappeared, before the woman's eyes... Only to reappear before her, causing the woman to scream in terror and nothing but darkness filled the room.

What happened to the woman... No one knows.

The next day come and gone till it was evening. At the house of the Guttmans', Barney was humming to music, as he was getting himself ready for a very special appointment.

He was in the middle of using hairspray, until it ran out. Barney shook the can and confirmed it was completely empty.

He shrugged his shoulders and tossed it in the empty hairspray cans trashcan. Just as Barney put on his yellow shirt, his dog Pugsley whimpered, catching Barney's attention.

He chuckled before saying, "Show me the tummy." Pugsley complied and rolled on his back, exposing his stomach to his best friend.

Barney rubbed Pugsley's stomach, as he said, "Good boy, Pugsley!" Pugsley watched, as Barney was packing the necessary items in his yellow backpack.

"Come on, boy. Let's go.", Barney said, as he pulled a letter from his mirror that read,


Hello, fellow humans!

I am in need of an employee.

If you fit the above criteria,

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