The Tunnel

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"Thank you for visiting Phoenix Parks. I hope y'all come back soon. Safe trip! Take care now. Don't sue.", Pauline's voice was heard at another day at the amusement park. Except, this is taking place back years ago.

At a certain part of the park, there was a long line filled with parents and their kids. They are waiting in line for the kids to get their picture taking with Buster Scruffs, one of the many characters they can meet.

"Please say cheese.", one of the parks photographers said, before taking a kid's picture with Buster. "Next.", the park photographer continued.

Standing in the line was Norma when she was a little girl and her mother. She was up next in line.

After Buster gently placed a kid on the ground, he turned towards Norma and held out his paw towards her before saying, "Come on, little girl." Only Norma dropped her smile when Buster started speaking to her.

"Come on.", Buster beckoned her gently. As Norma's mother, Swati, was taking a couple of steps, Norma started to whimper in fear.

Swati stopped and chuckled before saying, "Oh, come on, Norma." But, Norma was so scared that she couldn't even move.

"Norma?", Swati asked, concerned. Norma looked up to her mother who said, "It's okay, blossom."

"Buster Scruffs wants to meet ya.", the photographer said. He tried to encourage Norma, while gesturing towards Buster, who was waving at her and greeted, "Hello."

"So sorry, why is the line not moving? Is there a problem?", one of the people in the line complained. The complaining didn't help Norma, as she felt that she was sinking into the ground with everyone's eyes falling on her.

She dropped down on her knees and covered her ears, hyperventilating like crazy. "What's wrong, little girl?", the photographer asked.

"What's wrong?", Buster asked, while leaning forward from his chair. Suddenly, Buster's head fell forward and rolled on the ground, causing everyone to gasped.

Once the head got closer to Norma, she stopped and just stared at the head at curiosity. As she stared at the head, one of the eyes suddenly popped out and was now hanging by a string, causing Norma to laugh in happiness.

Her laughter was so contagious that everyone around the area laughed with her. "Eyeball popping out of a socket, gets them every time.", Buster said.

A figure watching the scene before them at a corner of one of the buildings. The figure smiled at Norma, who got her picture taken with Buster's head only, before creating a portal behind her and walked through it and closed it behind her.

Back at the Dead End House, a bright new day has come and it's also the start of the first day, as a security for Cyrus, Barney and Norma. Both Cyrus and Barney were already up and were playing with Pugsley, who they discover last night can now talk.

"Okay, okay. Now say 'door'.", Barney command. "Door.", Pugsley obeyed, which caused the boys to laugh in amusement.

"Okay, okay. Uh, now say 'pumpkin'.", Barney commanded. "Uh... Pumpkin.", Pugsley repeated, causing the boys to laugh even more.

"I got one. Say 'Indubitably'.", Cyrus commanded. "In-jupitoo-boop-bo.", Pugsley's eyes widen when he couldn't say the word correctly.

Various! Dead End: Paranormal Park Series x Demon! Princess! Oc InsertWhere stories live. Discover now