The Nightmare Before Christmas in July

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It was another day at Phoenix Parks and, surprisingly, it was snowing around the park... Which is strange because it was still summer. The park was decorated with Christmas decorations and an ice statue of Pauline Phoenix holding a snowflake right in the middle of a fountain.

The intercom turned on, as Pauline's voice was heard throughout the park. "Merry, happy sweethearts. It's everyone's second favorite holiday, Christmas in July, and that calls for my second favorite chart topping song, It Always Christmas in July Somewhere.", Pauline announced.

The song started to play through all the speakers, as all the employers at the park were putting up the remaining decorations, while trying to stay cool on the hottest day in their Christmas costumes and/or clothing. Back at the Dead End mansion, Barney and Cyrus, both wearing Christmas and Hanukkah sweaters, entered into the mansion with Barney dropping a tied up Christmas bag on the floor.

"Oh, the weather outside is...", Barney sang. "Too hot to be wearing this sweater.", Cyrus interrupted, while wiping off the sweat forming on his forehead and chuckling.

"So true.", Barney groaned, before pulling his sweater a bit to cool down his body. "Barney!", Pugsley called out.

He trotted towards Barney, who kneeled down and rubbed his head. "I didn't know we celebrate Christmas.", Pugsley continued.

"Technically, it's Christmas in July, which is not a real holiday.", Norma stated without taking her eyes off her book. "Oh, really? Then, I guess we'll just have to return these presents since they're not real either.", Cyrus said, catching Norma's attention.

Norma gasped, before snapping her head towards the boys. "Gimmie!", Norma exclaimed.

Both Norma and Pugsley were panting in excitement, while Barney untied the bag and dug around a bit, before pulling out an old wizard hat. "Ta-da!", Barney shouted out.

He placed the hat on top of Pugsley's head. "Wow!", Pugsley exclaimed.

He was so excited about his gift that his tail started to wag. "I got you a little wizard hat 'cause you're a little wizard dog now.", Barney stated.

"This is the first present you've given me I wasn't intended to eat.", Pugsley said with gleam in his eyes. Cyrus laughed a bit.

"Well, as least he was honest about it.", Cyrus said. "I don't mind what you do with it.", Barney said to Pugsley.

"For Norma...", Cyrus said. He dug in the bag, before pulling out a Pauline doll still in its box.

"A doll!", Cyrus continued. He handed the box to a now not so excited Norma, who accepted it out of kindness.

"Ugh... I appreciate the gesture, but do I look like somebody who plays with...", Norma started. She let out a huge gasp when her eyes trailed down to see that the Pauline doll was no ordinary doll.

"The limited edition Y2K Millennium Bug Pauline?! Whoo-hoo! Thank you, guys!", Norma laughed in excitement. "But how did you get this? These were sold out everywhere.", Norma asked, confused.

"Let's just say I have some good connections.", Cyrus said with a shrug. "Well, well, well, look who's a regular Christmas in July Krampus.", Courtney called out.

Everyone trailed their eyes to see a grumpy Courtney slouching on a chair, while flickering through the TV channels with a remote. "I'm guessing you didn't get me anything.", Courtney continued.

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