Into the Fire

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In the Underworld, Courtney was taking a stroll while humming a cheerful tune and hold a demonic briefcase in her hand. She screamed a bit as she dodged some flying implings.

Coming across a pole, she grabbed a hold of the pole and spun around in a circle, before she suddenly got slobbered on. She looked up see a large demon sitting on top of the pole.

Gross as that was, it didn't bother a bit, as she ran off towards a bus stop... Where a car drove by her and another demon, drenching them in acid.

Then, Courtney arrived at what appears to be a diner and had herself a tall glass of... demon juice(?) filled with eyeballs, as the ice where she finished it in a matter of seconds. She sighed in bliss and said, "Everything worked out fine."

Thunder rumbles in the dark night sky, as Phoenix Parks was silent from everyone turned to stone. A few implings flew above and around the stone people, as they were looking for any and all survivors.

Suddenly, a metal object clangs on the ground, grabbing one of the implings' attention for a moment, before every impling flew away. Once the coast was cleared, Norma and Barney poked their heads out from behind the stone people they were hiding.

"I can't believe Courtney betrayed us.", Barney said. "I can absolutely believe Courtney betrayed us.", Norma concurred.

"I second that.", Estrella said, as she poked her head from a stone person. "Third it.", Cyrus agreed, as he revealed himself hiding from a stone person as well.

"Wait, why are you hiding, Essie?", Cyrus asked. Estrella groaned and responded, "As much as I love my family, I rather not deal with them right now."

Barney looked up and was shocked to see his parents stoned. "Mom? Dad? Ugh, they were probably only here to see me. If I hadn't run away-", Barney said.

"Barney, this isn't your fault. It's Temeluchus' and Courtney's... and Pauline's and my parents'.", Cyrus said. "And that new one too, I guess.", Norma added.

"Man, we have a lot of enemies.", Cyrus commented. "And Patrick's out there somewhere. I have to find him.", Barney stated.

"Hide!", Estrella whispered/shouted out, before everyone hid themselves when an impling sniffed the ground in front of Norma and Barney. "Stay perfectly still. Their vision is based on movement.", Norma stated/whispered.

"I don't think it is.", Barney said. Everyone looked to see Barney's head was in the mouth of another impling.

Estrella grabbed the impling and pulled it off of Barney's head, before twirling it around in a circle with it's tail and threw it up in the sky. "I love you, Princess!", The impling cried, as it flew.

"My bad, I thought I read that in one of Pugsley's demon books.", Norma apologized, before she thought back on what she just said. "Wait, of course. The books. They're back at the house. Come on, maybe we can look up a way to beat them.", Norma continued.

"You go. I-I need to find Patrick.", Barney said. "Then we'll split in groups of two. I'll go with Barney to find Patrick. Norma and Cyrus, you two go and get my dad's book and whatever else you think we need. We'll meet back here in ten minutes.", Estrella said.

"But what if we get eaten?", Cyrus asked. "Oh, please. My family has class, we don't eat humans...but just to be safe, make it fifteen.", Estrella said.

"Ugh. Temeluchus, this plane is so grody.", Zagan complained, as she looked out through the opening at Camelot Castle. "But you always had weird taste, minus your wife.", Zagan continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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