The Phantom of the Theme Park

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A pink balloon depicting Pauline Phoenix floats in the sky, before trailing down to reveal every employee of the park cleaning up and getting ready for Pauline's concert. Logs picks up a poster and puts it on a wall.

The poster had Barney, Norma, and Pugsley on it, indicating that they are banned for life from the park. He sighed before walking away.

People started to enter the park with Josh, as the security guard. Behind him unknowingly, Norma, Pugsley, and Barney sneaked into the park by jumping over a wall.

"Okay, we got to be super quiet.", Barney whispered. As soon as he said that, he accidentally knocked down a trashcan, causing him to gasp, which caught Josh's attention, before Norma grabbed Barney's arm and the trio hide behind a wall.

Josh walk over to the noise and looked around to find the source. Norma peered over the corner to see that Josh is coming.

She gasped and shouted out, "We're busted!" "Wow. Josh is a way better security guard. We literally never did our jobs.", Barney thought out loud.

Norm looked down at Pugsley and said, "Oh, come on, Pugsley. You must have read some kind of spell we could use. Like a... a teleport or distraction." "I was practicing one spell, but I was saving it for Barney's birthday.", Pugsley mentioned.

"Aw. Buddy.", Barney was touched by this. Norma peered out of the corner again to see Josh getting closer.

She got up and stare at Pugsley in desperation.

Pugsley: Happy Birthday to Barney...

Pugsley: Happy Birthday to Barney...

Pugsley: Happy Birthday to Barney...

Pugsley: Happy Birthday to you...

"Do it!", Norma ordered. "All right.", Pugsley said.

He inhales, before saying, "Here goes." He created a ball of magic, while chanting the spell, "Bippity boopity Patti LuPoney mankin tessori manzela Minnelli!"

Barney and Norma looked around for a moment. "Well, whatever happened is not happening.", Norma stated.

Josh: Soo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-me...

The trio peered out in shock to see Josh singing, with another unnamed security guard playing the piano.

Josh: Sometimes, I think about death!

Josh: And how many years we've all got left!

Josh: And how many hours I've spent!

Josh: Cleaning up... puuu-uuu-uuu-uuu-uuuke!

The trio walked out from behind the wall. "What is happening?", Barney asked.

"Happy birthday.", Pugsley said, awkwardly.

Badyah: But...

Badyah walked through the park while holding a corded microphone and sang as well.

Badyah: Days like today...

Badyah: Make all those bad days worthwhile.

Badyah: Days like today make me smiii-iii-iiile.

Badyah flinged the corded microphone she was holding off-screen, with Logs joining in on the song.

Logs: 'Cause at Dead End!

Various! Dead End: Paranormal Park Series x Demon! Princess! Oc InsertWhere stories live. Discover now