Wait Time: 22 Minutes

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"Love is the greatest cure that we know... Love is the basis of this TV show... Yes, love, love love... I'm Dr. Love!", an announcer sang. The theme song from Dr. Love TV Show played, as everyone gathered around a new ride called Dr. Love Heart Flow Ride.

They cheered when Pauline herself walked out towards the ribbon with a pair of scissors. "Hello, everyone! Thank you!", Pauline greeted.

"She hasn't aged a bit!", someone from the crowd mentioned. "Oh, come on. Back off and let me cut this thing.", Pauline joked, as she cut the ribbon, and everyone cheered.

Back in the present time, the gang were standing around the area where the Dr. Love Heart Flow Ride is located at the park for its grand reopening. Pugsley was sitting on a bench reading a spell book, Courtney was digging through a trashcan and Norma and Cyrus were looking through their phones; Norma was more impatient, while Cyrus was casually scrolling.

Norma growled before saying, "Come on! He said he would be five minutes." "Norma, calm down. Barney will be here.", Cyrus said.

He trailed his eyes up and said, "And lo and behold, here he is." Barney walked up to everyone holding an armful of cotton candy.

"Ugh. Finally.", Norma said. She put her phone away and turned her attention to Barney. Courtney pulled her head from the trashcan, before teleporting herself onto Barney's back and reached for the cotton candy, but Barney was moving it away from her.

"I'm very unpleasant when I'm hungry.", Courtney grunted, before teleporting herself besides Barney and reached for the cotton candy again, but Barney held them up in the air. "You're unpleasant... All the time!", Barney said.

His words caused Courtney to freeze her body and slide off of him, landing on the ground. Courtney snapped her head up with a smirk and stated, "That's my secret, Barney. I'm always hungry."

"No, those are supplies for the line.", Norma firmly said. "Speaking of line, let's go.", Cyrus said, as he put his phone in his pocket and walked forward, with the others following him.

"What's so special about this ride anyway? Haven't you been on all of them already?", Barney asked Norma, not really interested in the ride at all. "Not this one. It's been closed since before I was born. It's based on "Dr. Love". You know, the show where Pauline would solve people's love lives with heart transplants.", Norma explained, which confused Barney.

"It was cancelled after three episodes.", Cyrus added. "Ooh, they are kind of scratching the bottom of the barrel for ride ideas, aren't they?", Barney asked, causing Cyrus to chuckle.

Norma stopped and faced Barney, while grabbing Cyrus on the back of his collar. "Hey! Dr. Love did some pretty experimental episodes. Like that one set entirely in a waiting room.", Norma said.

"Oof. That sounds boring.", Barney thought out loud. "Can't argue with that.", Cyrus agreed.

"Besides, this is my only opportunity to ride it before my shift starts, and my timeline gets flooded with spoilers.", Norma said, before she and the others continued on to their designation. "Your appointment with Dr. Love will begin momentarily. Please keep all hands, bags and babies inside the ride vehicle.", Pauline's voice was heard outside of the ride as the line was forming.

Norma jogged towards the end of the line, while Barney and the others calmly walked up behind her. "Not too bad. Looks like we're just on time.", Norma said.

Various! Dead End: Paranormal Park Series x Demon! Princess! Oc InsertWhere stories live. Discover now